Riley Edmonstone Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Riley Edmonstone


Brief History
Riley is a man of simple needs, smart wits and a strong connection with nature. He is as skilled a tracker as any coin can buy and is renowned for his discretion around his clients requirements and requests. Not much is known of Riley's younger years but perhaps for a pint of ale and a warm meal you could get to know him better.

Personality in brief description
He is warm and welcoming, but not one for long winded small talk. He may warm to you in time

Their appearance
He is a tall, muscular man with simple but well made leather armour, a sturdy looking long bow and an olive green cloak with a hood. He wears no jewellery but a small brass clasp that pulls his cloak over his armour.

What they sound like
He has a voice that carries but often speaks softly, with a slight English accent

What they smell like
He smells of the forest, timber and dried herbs.
Current Location