Session 20 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 20

General Summary

Heading down for breakfast the tavern is filled with all manner of folk however all of them have something in common. You see people dressed with fake horns adorning their heads, floral shirts and lutes and lyres across their back, they trade discussions with people wearing short white cropped wigs with whirling gizmos across their arms and legs, these people are grabbing plates from people with curly hair tangled with debits and either real or fake pointed ears attached to them. There are others who wear padding or they come naturally padded with circlets of light affixed to their head and you see them dancing with taller figures some with painted blue skin, fake gills and large tridents made of wood.

As you come down the stairs you hear a great cheer and a halfling male waves at you warmly, his skin is a dark tan with ruddy cheeks and thick curly chops and dazzling green eyes, he too is wearing a floral shirt with makeshift horns on his head. His name is Kodaku Meadman

At first he did not believe you were the original adventuring party of the Battleboobs but with some convincing he came around, the cords struck by Dorian were later realised to be in a book named Dorian Dialect. Seeking out further answers you visited the shrine to realise that Laefriel Sure-Meadow's book she carried was missing and in it's place a painting. A book that sounded similar to the one Yigraz was hunting down.

Tracing down Olista, however has proven more difficult as he seems to set off after Calista Cannith after the disappearance of the battle boobs some 300 years ago. There has been no sightings of him since the disappearance, it was documented in a book titled Olsita's Folly

Shi-anin Umbral Light runs the Umbral Light Stables who is Bakuri Umbral light son.
Posey also sends off a request through her requestus tube - asking for an update on Port Marguerite and if there are any dates relating to the Battle boobs and their place in history.
Met with Quian Shuen a bit of an emo Boy who played the flute - he was playing the song of Zebek the Daughter of the Astral sea, he thought that Amberjack was unlikely to know real music - Mentions a popular singer named Justine Timber-Snake she was next performing at a concert in the desert called the Blazing Lady Festival.
He explains this song is about the daughter of the astral sea - she once travelled the seas of Kaomora before she was banished by a storm, the stories say the storm was the act of The Great serpent Leventus others say she fled after falling to the captain of The Light of Leventus. The exact story seems unclear but the tales of her are fearsome, she had a crew of disfigured men some weresharks, some could destroy your mind with a glance. Anyway the song is catchy as hell so he continues to play it.

The party encountered Dorians Family -
Dorris Delphinium - mum
Doremi- Father
Diaton Delphinium - brother

Dorians mother Dorris Delphinium has come after Dorian given their disappointment in Diaton Delphinium their other son, he has done the worst thing in the eye of their god. He has decided to live a life of devotion to his work and he and his wife a very bland and boring Satyr have elected to live a life without sexual contact and no off spring. They don’t know what they did to deserve this punishment.
Dorris want Dorian to start spreading his seeds and wants grandchildren.
She also shared stories of Dorian as a child and how frequently he required attention, love and care.

Dorris agrees to take care of Jasper and has taken him back to the Faye with her. She left the party in a flash of green fey smoke but not before leaving them with Fey Biscuits.

The party also encountered some horrible bugs on their way towards Garsanta. They seemed to attack the emotions and drain the energy of anyone's mind who succumbed to their dark energy.
After an encounter with a few of these beasties the party arrived at Garsanta to see the wailing concerns of a villager approaching them.
Report Date
16 Oct 2020