Session 21 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 21

General Summary

The party stumbled into the town of Garsanta the guards barely moving, the townsfolk vanished.

All but one, an elven girl named Cochella. She asked for your aid and you said you'd assist. However you found there was more to her than outwardly appeared. Her heart had been consumed by an Venemantis a horrid insectoid creature that can consume the heart of it's victims and steal their bodies, through the battle Velouria noticed the once vibrant celestial inscriptions that woave up her arm began to fade to black before they were black ashen marks, trying to summon her celestial patrons aid however nothing came.

The final words spoke through the venemantis spoke of a hive mother that would feed on emotions. seemingly this hive mother has been hatching these insects and spreading them throughout the town.

As you slayed the venematis that broke from Cochella's chest she informed you that the field where the orange flowers grow is where you will find the nest.
Battered and bruised you found rest in Nagles Fishing supplies, sadly the shop keep too had been attacked by these bugs and lay motionless on the counter.
Amberjack picked up a net and everyone rested in the one big bed.
Posey took the first watch and was visited by the tall stranger in the orange cloak you'd seen from the tavern in Port Qualienta. He discussed with Posey that he would answer one question of three questions she asked. He referred to her as Eslayna and informed her that the meeting you wish to intercept occurs on the 25th day of Flamefall, before vanishing as quickly as he came.
As Amebrjack took his watch he too was greeted by a stranger, however unlike the informative cloaked figure Amberjack was met with rain, thunder and lightning. While originally calming - Amberjack took a moment to use the mirror that was gifted to him by Gordala Kelpkeep using the mirror he sees the horribly disfigured body of Yellowtail now aboard a ship with a woman captain ship that was sailing through a sea of black water with stars dancing across the surface.
Looking into the storm he saw a serpentine figure snap through a bolt of lightning and for a flash of a second it gazed deep into his soul.
The rest of you woke to this thunderous noise and the soft babbling of Amberjack coming from outside.
Report Date
26 Oct 2020