Session 23&24 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 23&24

General Summary

Parted with 125gp to Hilda

She explained her fathers plight with potentially he was doing a deal with Garpent the vile.
She traded a secret with Dorian about a lady whose heart was broken and she used to play the violin, it is rumoured that it can still be heard in the forest outside of Hobachak and her name was Urdendris

Posey feels she has gotten very close to solving the cube.
Hand went to frost when touching the cube.
Ended up with the mark of Kahrazoon afterwards
Frost bite - Necromantic symbol of Kahrazoon - which turned to gloves of ice
Gained a glittery glove and got +1d4 cold damage to attacks
Claude explains how he is with Kahrazoon and the air ship crash is how he came to be with him

Note from Kahrazoon
Aventaris will guide you on what the Order was meant to be. I will watch over your brother and will keep his soul safe from the corruption of the Pit Lord Zaelix

CRUSHED the bug problem
They found a 3 circled gate with black dust and white piece of cloth torn and stuck within it.
Report Date
21 Nov 2020