Session 42 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 42

General Summary

Where you went
Further north into the desert

Who you met
A Jackawere named Nealicks (not related to Zaelix)

What happened
Travelled through the sands and realised horses, sand and face pace don't go well together
Discovered a circle of mysterious women.
Posey couldn't help but check it out - discovered more about her past and that Kearal and her parents were closer than originally anticipated.
Confirmed she had a sister.
Confirmed the building that Lianthorn resides in is actually her mother's spirit turned into a brambly shop.
Discovered she'd aged 18 months as payment for this knowledge
Realised that Velouria's scorpion had a previous life and was known as Moniquwa and has an ex-boyfriend Tirrell.
Discovered Nealicks (not related to Zaelix) who is a Jackalwere
Discovered that the Jackalweres were hungry and pinched Posey's food
Discovered other beasts are also hungry and pinched one of the Jackalweres
Discovered that Jackalweres mustn't be overly filling as the beast was still hungry
Discovered that the beast was a Roc which found horse meat more delectable than Jackalwere so it attacked the party, The BBs retaliated and the Roc could smell what was cooking, which was itself so it decided to flee to live another day
ABJ spent more time floating in the astral sea - had some mad chats with The Great serpent Leventus
Had some less mad chats with Countess Master Zebek and copped a cannonball to the chest
Realised she'll be rocking up in 2 months when her 100-year deal is up
ABJ still can't fathom why someone would want to kill him.
A mysterious man in an orange cloak seems to be lurking around the party.
The same mysterious man had a conversation with Posey about a Devil an Angel and a Master - Posey chose to learn more rather than pick a path, tickled pink mystery man gave her 3 dots which connect with the mind-body and soul and will lead to a path towards Pronoia .
Calista has a secret teddy
Played with the cube - the cube fought back - Posey caught the cube coins - pockets 3 silver coins that are VERY old
Florizel was at an awards night - then an after-party had a demonic punch in a coconut drink that smelt of sulphur and heavy spirits. Velouria tried some and got immediately wasted, became white girl wasted, dropped a boob out (By accident), Dorian was rock hard, party may have realised she was holding a lot in - became very loving and expressive. Wakes up the next day with a terrible hangover
Posey goes to touch Florizel he speaks in abyssal and seems to be far stronger than your ordinary imp.

Plot line progress
Velorias Mummy issues - The Mummy Lord and the Soul Sunder Weapon
Pronia and her Paranoia - the Sphynx in the sands
How to fix a broken mind - Lianthorn
How to fix a broken heart - Olistar
Dorian's Mortal Instruments and where to find them
The Dorian Effect - How to help Nerdalye
Ceeping up with the Canniths - Where is Clovis and what is she up to?
Beware the Daughter of the Sea - ABJ's Omega problem

Plot lines to follow
I DON'T WANT TO BE RED - Calista and her complicated puberty
Whats up with Fatoz Finigal ?

Less Pressing Side Quests
Cry me a river - the Aftermath of the Blazing Lady Festival - Find Justine Timber-Snake
I'll walk through Heldren and back to get a Lifewell Tattoo - finding Heldren Chester for Shtiegvarr Chester

Report Date
29 Apr 2021