Session 6 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 6

General Summary

The party fought the Cockatrice - they were able to take down 2 and put one to sleep.
Posey unfortunately unable to stave off the petrifying saliva of the Cockatrice mid-headbutt was turned to a perfect stone statue.
The Cockatrice seeing their numbers dwindling and getting concerned for their master Jasper they then took their prize back to him
Amberjack bravely took after them leaping and narrowly being able to hold on to Posey by looping his bow over her feet. His weight caused strain on the birds but still they flew on.
Calista fired an arrow shaking the grip loose of one of them, almost causing both Amberjack and Posey to fall to an almost certain death for one of them. Amberjack squashed or Posey broken from the fall.
Dorian played his lute a beautiful and uplifting melody that was able to gift him the boon of flight for 10 minutes
flying behind the Cockatrice he noticed that they took Posey to a clearing
Amberjack and Dorian noticed a small grey baby Gargoyle which introduced itself as Jasper - he was alone as he said "the bad men" broke his family after his dear friend "Ohzy" passed away. The old friend he referred to was the man Dorian met Orzhov noticing that on his left pectorial muscle was the markings J.J.B a symbol that looked like this
Acanis Council

The party spent many hours discussing how the world works, what breathing was, why they weren't stone and he was. What it was like to be an adventuring party, why Velouria had hair like she did. Pinky Promises and more.
As the party rested Amberjack noticed about 300ft away was a small stack of smoke coming from a cottage, which matched the area description that Jasper was speaking of.
At dawn the next day they noticed the statue figure of Posey return to life as the stone started to crack and give way to her Elven flesh once more.
The party now back together noticed the ravenous appetite and rapid growth of this little Gargoyle Boy and his desperate desires to have a family again. They promised that if he is good, they will take him to a quarry where there is plenty of granite for him to eat.
They also promised to deal with the bad men, that were with Ohrzy.
Prepared and ready the party went back through the hilly terrain and found their way to the more wooded environs on the other side of the main road between Port Marguerite and Hillerhop
There they found the broken bodies of Jaspers parents Jade and Brim.
The party stopped to pay their proper respects and Calista made sure that their memorial mounds were exactly square and structurally sound
The party then decided to creep up on the house of old Ohzov
The party notice a man made of leeches, worms, bugs and dirt chanting a foul ritual behind a white wooden mask, flanking him where two leathery winged undead beasts with eyeless sockets and leathery taught skin.
The Battleboobs snuck up on the ritual, but Posey accidently tripped a blind spell that was on one of the doors. Alarming the Ritualist they sent their Thrulls out to attack the party. Felling one and the other out to attack
The party noticed the chanting had stopped and could hear in it's place the horrid crunching and cracking sound of snapping bones and shifting organs.
A lady pushed forth from the rib cage of the late Orzhov and commanded her accolyte to deal with the intruders before turning to mist.
the accolyte reached out a wormed hand transferring and calcifying them on to the woman forming some sort of strange armour. In the place of the worms a pail skinned woman with crimson red eyes stood. wailing horribly and hungry for fresh blood
Report Date
30 Jul 2020