Hillerhop Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


Predominantly made up of farming folk, those who work the Fertile Fields to the west of Hillerhop. There is a mayor of the town and a local head guard who is associated with Loxel Guard who patrol most of this region.
The population itself is highly concentrated among Humans, Elves and Half-Elves.

The Mayor Papulatus Podge is elected by the people and has the ear of most them. He navigates the delicate balance between the wealthy families in the Fertile Fields and the local folks in town, most of whom work on those very fields.

Hilelrhop is home to a lot of hard working farm folk. Most of the larger farms in Fertile Fields are owned by families spanning generations. The working class however are typically found here. The town has a bountiful supply of fruit and vegetables, as well as a strong export business that send these goods across to the more affluent towns of Port Marguerite, Juardos Docks, Tobira Sanctuary and Garsanta. There is a blacksmith who predominantly specialises in horseshoe repairs. A Waxsmith and a few other stores also as listed on the map.

There are three main churches within this small town.
The Lavender Loyarae Church of Lathander, god of birth and renewal
The Great Oak Chapel, Church of Melora, the Wild Mother
The Evergreen Spire church of Corellon, the Arch Heart

The town is guarded by a handful of Loxel Guard who have been moved from Port Marguerite. It is known locally and among the forces that guards in this district are typically one of two things, green and no idea what they're doing or very old veterans who want a far slower pace of life. Rarely is there an in between.

Customs and Cultures
A saying often heard is Just let it roll along, meaning let it be. Things have a way of righting themselves. This expression is a feeling often felt by most who call Hillerhop home.


Most of the buildings in Hillerhop are built from the naturally growing timber surrounds, some more prominent buildings use the stone from Quarry Quay, but most villager homes are made of wood, Clay and thatch with tiled roofs.


The town is based on a flat among the base of the rolling hills that surround it, fresh water creeks roll down the surrounding hills to the north which act as the towns water supply. It has an idyllic country setting and it is often noted by travellers how picturesque and relaxing the town is.

Natural Resources

A healthy supply of fresh water, lumber and livestock are kept around in town. Further out to the fertile fields are the larger farms for fresh produce and larger cattle, sheep and other livestock acreage.


  • Hillerhop
    The local map of Hillerhop and all of the shops contained in it.
Included Locations