Session 7 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 7

General Summary

The party found themselves mid battle with a recently arisen Vampire, a dark creature seemingly filled with hate for Port Marguerite and The Order of the Timeless.
Dorian noticed as the battle raged on a swarm of bats was released from the side chamber of the house, covering the sky to the south west with a blanket of wings and screeches. Each seemingly destined for Port Marguerite.

The party fought cleverly and quickly dispatched the Vampires Spawn and its two winged minions. But as they felt they'd cast the final blow, Posey consumed in battle did not notice, the chilling hand that wrapped around her shoulder, quickly peering over she saw the needle sharp fangs of the lady vampire but for a second before they plunged deep into her neck. As she drained the blood from Posey, there was a moment where Posey went almost numb as the vampire learnt more about her, maybe even more than expected.

Now as the party could see her - The head Vampire stood tall and elegantly, she was pale in complexion, with long dark hair, deep crimson eyes and tattoo emblazoned across her back of Phoenix wings. She wore a dress the colour of Orzhov's blood that fitted nicely for summer attire.

After learning what she needed, she returned to mist and snuck away!
The fight continued on as she left the battlefield, in her place was a spawn of darkness itself. A shadow creature not overly strong but able to sap the life from any it touched. Unfortunately Amberjack fell to this dark creature. As its horrid form bared down on him eager to finish it's job, Calista fired a dead shot puncturing the very core of the shadow creature casting it out to the wind.
Signalling the end of the fighting, the party Investigated the late house of Orzov, seeking answers and anything else they could get their hands on. The room was filled with all manner of items and oddities, but what stood out to you was a few old crates, they had the same markings for the pearls you'd found earlier in the steam works - they had T&W on them representing the small fine jewellery store of Tigworths and Walmeks found in the city centre of town. In the crates was empty packaging, able to connect the dots between the bats leaving with little collars on and the shiny black balls that hung around them and these crates you quickly realised more rifts were on their way to Port Marguerite and that could spell very bad news for the townsfolk!

Finding a hidden button the party where able to find their way below the house to a very old and dusty chamber. Beneath it was some kind of teleportation gate. They could see the final moments of the spell and through the portal they could faintly see the Vampire woman. She uttered this phrase to them.
Predominantly red is where you'll find me, anything else and I am sure you will have questions, your precious order would prefer you not know.

As she left they noticed there was a small writing desk carved out of very old wood. On it was a map of Kaomora and a book. In the book was a set longitudinal and latitudinal numbers and small marks were written down in a book that sat next to it. The closest date, time and location was a settlement you'd not heard of before called Old Port Qualienta and the date of 6 days from now.

As our adventurers left Orzov's house they heard a terrible cry from further down the path, a lady her husband and pet had sadly become the meal of a meenlock, you could see the crumbled blackened dust similar to that of the dust found around the body of the shadow you killed at Orzov's house. Putting two and two together, you realised that this creature too must have spawned from one of the dark pearl pendants.
The party was able to quickly dispatch of this Meenlock, some clever magic by Dorian was able to save Posey from further punishment as she lay paralysed by the bite of the Meenlock.
The party took the opportunity to go back to Jasper and tell him that they had dealt with the bad people and his home was safe. He was interested but more interested in their company. Hearing it was nap time he quickly turned to stone and started to rest. Potentially misunderstanding how long nap time was he was still in stone an hour later when the party had concluded their preparations and moved into town. They left him a sweet note and made sure it had an audible recording on it in case he cant read.

The party make their way back to Port Marguerite they see the sky turn softly from shades of amber and purple to dusk and as they reach the gates. The usual guard they saw on their first patrol were horribly disfigured, their heads crushed and their faces lacerated with circular markings.

Opting to head directly to the church they town down the street and hear a muffled struggle, rounding the corner they see three figures each with their heads crushed in and as the party carefully make their way forward, they are set on by three dark mantles. Beasts that look like flying squid with numerous sickly yellow eyes. The fight rages on and Amberjack in his feeble state spends most of the fight trying desperately to get the dark mantle that has latched to his head off. Finally releasing it from his face he realises the rest of the party had dispatched of the others and Posey in the magical darkness had stolen his shoe.
The party lick their wounds and press on, hearing the familiar voice of Vestern but streets away, as he fights off these horrific creatures with bladed limbs and long spiny tails.

Rewards Granted

Orzhovs Black Book - Picked up by Calista
Wand of Magic Missiles - Posey
Momento - Tea Set of Orhzovs - Dorian
Picture of Orzhov and his Son - Son with tuft of black wild hair - Dorian
6x potions and 200gp - To Party
156g 72sp 41cp in a small black pouch filled with coin found in the main room.
A note written in hieroglyphics and signed off with AW - Unsure
Dorian has taken the canvas of Orzhov and his son -
Pitcher of Necrovile - 1D4 per litre consumed - 5 charges 1 per litre of blood
Report Date
06 Aug 2020