The Blazing Lady Festival - Aftermath Plot in Kaomora | World Anvil

The Blazing Lady Festival - Aftermath

A tainted supply of Kameleon Dust has turned the annual party event into a roaming hoard of undead that now sweeps its way across the desert.   The party not attending the event now have clusters of 5 - 20 undead creatures that now roam the desert sands praying on any they can find. They each have a sickly green glow to their eyes.   When any of the zombies are slaughtered demonic runes are etched to the inside of their skulls.   This is Zaelix's attempt to try and stir concerns over a potential uprising of Kahrazoon saying the Lich Lord is back for revenge for being cast from his beloved Kaomora!   Justine - now in hiding and the Festival owner Noxxarion paying 280gp to anyone able to give information on her wearabouts.   plot twist   Noxxarion is wanting to know where she is to kill her because she was seen with the festival hosts talking about "The dark coming" - she freaked out and left and they snorted the Kameleon dust.