Thonras Bristle-beard Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Thonras Bristle-beard

The Mayor of Bueluge. Thonras is a warm and loving individual to the residence of Bueluge, his family heritage extends back to it's founding. He himself is an avid fisherman and quite handy with an axe when it's logging season. He has a strong but stocky build, a long bristly beard and moustache that is a deep chocolate brown that lightens at the tips. Beady green eyes and big bushy eyebrows, a big bulbous nose that has a scar that runs across the middle of it. He shaves his head regularly and wears fashionable but also practical clothes with a leather apron over the top, in which is a small hatchet, fishing hooks and an assortment of odds and ends in it.
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