Timberdawn Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


Town at a Glance
A quaint town founded under the Griffon Wing Forest and while its occupants are few in numbers they are strong and well acquainted with an Axe.
On the approach to the town, the land rolls out as a long flat plane, the planes stretch across a large clearing and there are methodically fitted timber fences that create grids across the otherwise flat green pastures. Cattle and Livestock bumble lazily across the fields chewing away without a care in the world. Small plumes of smooth smoke whisp their way up to the sky from small chimneys that are the only stone structs on each of the log cabins that are dotted between each of the farms.
The first and most notable building of the town is an incredible temple that is formed from one large tree, this temple is known as Natures Embrace which has the local school which attaches into the exposed roots at its side, which is named New Leaf Elementary. The town centre itself has few commercial buildings. A Large Inn called the Lion's Rest, A small supplies store called Splitters supplies and a small barracks of local guards. Otherwise, most of the log cabins are associated with the connected farmland and a small settlement of houses that are around the lumber yard that sits on the cusp of the Griffon Wing Forest.
Brief History
Timberdawn was the first true lumber settlement dedicated to the needs of the expanding Tobost township. In its formative years, it housed exclusively lumberjacks, however, given the long wide-open planes, fertile land and beautiful serene life. Many decided to make roots, creating pens for livestock. Building large beautiful log ranches from the quality timber they harvested from the Griffon Wing Forrest and soon the settlement of Timberdawn was founded. With more people came more opportunity, and the central square of the city emerged with simple supplies, a place to rest your head and drink with your friends and of course a small contingent of local law to keep it all in check. That was its existence for a period of 5 to 6 years, then came the time of the Natures Embrace and along with it the opportunity of education for the younglings of the town and that is how life has continued in Timberdawn ever since.
Many a strong human, goliath, Leonin and Tabaxi call Timberdawn home. While the population is spread across these races it is also the temporary home to many drifters looking for ranch work.
Nondai Khan is the towns general manager, he oversees most of the deals with the timber mills, the local business' and local happenings. His family are founding Timberdawn members and most in town respect him to be the appointed manager of its affairs.
Most of the town's income is made from its lumber mills or livestock export. Most of the revenue generated from the tavern and other small business' taxes are simply put back into the infrastructure of the town.
Natures Embrace a temple founded by three druids hold worship for their three deities in different levels of the tree, these three gods and their respective levels are described below.
Melora, the Wild Mother
Customs and Cultures
Characters in Location