01 - Casthouse Prophecy

Prophecy about when the world Ended

"This isn't a warning. It's a memory from when the world ended and... and I think it's happening again."
— Ponno Tidewade, kelp farmer
Despite being of entirely separate origins the so-called 'Casthouse Prophecy' came from an Eiyudi elder upon first seeing the The Casthouse Circles painted on the wall outside the community pantry called the Casthouse. The Casthouse Circles created quite a furor in their own right and the purpose or meaning behind the graffiti is still up for debate, especially among the local gossips and crabsters who spend much of their time in the vicinity and their busy jobs still leave plenty of time for gossip.
Ponno Tideswade, the old patron of 'Tideswade farm' and his two sons came to town every few months with their kelp harvest to deliver any seasonal surplus to the Casthouse. He and his two sons have a small kelp farm they maintain roughly half way between Portrood town and the primary cavern used to reach the shore. Since they grew more than they needed and couldn't preserve it all themselves they'd leave it to be preserved and stored with the casts of crabs and other perishable materials that benefit from the refrigeration provided by the largest climate-controlled structure ever constructed using the relatively new thermo-shelling process.
As the retelling of the scene goes, Ponno was resting in the cart as he and his sons approached the Casthouse and his sons drew his attention to the small crowd that had been gathering in the days since the graffiti appeared before either of them noticed the large, colourful painting. Before investigating Ponno insisted he and his sons secure their delivery of kelp properly and he seemed agitated and unusually annoyed considering the routine nature of their visit. After his sons had spoken with a couple of the crabsters inside the Casthouse they took Ponno to inspect the vandalism properly. Ponno grew quiet and seemed angry as he mentally processed each segment of the painting, the large white circles especially seemed upsetting to him although he had difficulty explaining why to those who could hear his mutterings.
This article has no secrets.


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