04 - The Casthouse Circles


Large, messy streaks of thick wet pigment the width of a palm are smeared across the wall beside and above the to the Casthouse. Roughly depicting three white circles of similar size that partially overlap to create a flower-like design. Each of the circles has an intentional and irregular gap where another colour of pigment has been splashed onto the stone to give the impression that the colour is pouring through the break in the painted circle.
Among the Eiyudi the destruction of public property has never been a matter that needed to be addressed. Their culture and customs generally leave very little need for outright social rebellion and since their native language has no written alphabet graffiti could serve no purpose. Given that their society is essentially homogenous in nature there are very few cases of discrimination and the needs of those with physical differences or unusual limitations are simply accommodated for as the need arises.
Not only was the act itself surprising given the context but it's meaning is also unclear. The vandal was clearly intentional with what they were painting but nobody who has seen it understands why they did it. The symbols themselves aren't meaningful to Eiyudi life and the pigments are abundant and publicly available. While there have been many attempts to decipher the purpose of the graffiti there are no laws against such actions and no harm was done aside from providing a frustrating puzzle with no clues that became the topic of conversation in many social circles.
Among the tiderunners several have come forward to speak with the Captain in private regarding the graffiti which has left specific individuals on the town council to suspect it may have to do with either the Storm or the Portrood Horned Crabs themselves somehow.
Regardless of any kind of evidence folks have begun to attribute this act of rebellion to Arivid Khallupi who is slowly becoming a social scapegoat for various recent strange events.   Storyteller Seed


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