05 - Etude Infrastructure & Building Restoration Project Document in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

05 - Etude Infrastructure & Building Restoration Project

In partnerwhip with The Dannamore Institute

In 4055NC agents of the Dannamore submitted an appeal to the young leader of Allegri, Vikas Cleft, for assistance in dealing with a spreading illness in their capital city. For some time rumours that the newly settled heblin community has brought with them some kind of disease or illness that was beginning to spread. Most of this seemed to be hate and fear left over from the preceeding conflict over whether Etude, a traditionally human city, would welcome such huge numbers of an outside species. Despite ultimately welcoming the heblin into the city, some locals feel that the heblin are taking advantage of the protections that Etude can offer while offering nothing in return.
The Dannamore agents stated that without a better understanding of what has happening, these people were going to kill each other. Never had this many people been in such close-quarters before and they weren't equipped to resolve this on their own, that's why the government was made. The Dannamore wanted to act.
This document proposed that the The Dannamore would actively lie to the public. It states that The Dannamore would have their agents tell citizens that the Allegran Government, in collaboration with The Dannamore, were in the process of stopping the Sickness. Using the reputation of the Dannamore to back them up, the government could easily placate or suppress the rabblerousers for a few weeks. Long enough to begin enacting the many alterations and repairs that the Dannamore wanted done.
The document then outlines dozens of seemingly unrelated and offensively specific repairs to structures all over the city that must be made. There is no way to describe the intricate language and vivid descriptions of these tasks. The tasks themselves ranged from minor to nearly legendary - including several that have since been accomplished; more below.
There were several iterations of this document as the Mansa and his governors negotiated with the Dannamore agents over certain finer points but ultimately there were no substantial changes to what was originally asked for. It was approved by the governor of Etude and ratified by five of the seven city councilors.
  This is marked in history as the first official partnership between the Allegran Government and the Dannamore. It's also rumoured that one of the negotiators working on behalf of the Dannamore invented the crystal later used for the Dannamore Signet after this so he could make quick changes to the document instead of having to rewrite large portions over and over!

Historical Details


Years ago, before the Dannamore had established their modern position as an arcane behemoth, they began with a very bold appeal to the Allegran government.
In the year 4055NC, agents of the Dannamore made a strategic pairing with the Allegran government to help quell the civil unrest that was causing vandalism and violence within the wall of Etude. This was a detailed, multi-objective proposal that showcased exactly what the Dannamore was capable of offering. They offered solutions to problems the Governor hadn't begun to anticipate and proved they had a deeper understanding of the citizens than the officials chosen to lead them.
The ratified agreement also launched waves of wild speculation among those who had access to it. Every politician and socialite had fantastical theories regarding many of the strange 'repairs' that the Dannamore detailed in the massive document. Among one of the most outlandish ideas was proposed by a retired chemist who had used his wealth to buy himself status. He proposed that the Dannamore were going to farming the citizens of Etude. He would rant for hours at any party or social event to all who would listen, emphatically trying to describe how a minor repair to the chain on the main gate could be related to the cobblestones being replaced throughout the central market.
  He was right though.  
This was a huge power-grab by the Dannamore and they made the most of it. The Mansa wasn't an experienced negotiator, the governor and city council were frozen by fear and uncertainty, and the sickness in the Oakwagon district was growing. When the Dannamore offered to solve all their current problems AND begin repairing and upgrading city structures, nobody could imagine what was to come. By making thousands of subtle choices instead of a single big one, the Dannamore reshaped the entire landscape of Etude.
According to the Etude Infrastructure & Building Restoration Project agreement, the Dannamore was authorized to relocate individuals who'se homes would need significant reconstruction. There is no proof that they abused this right but they definitely maximized their opportunity by taking action so quickly that nothing could be prevented, and in all honestly, there was nothing the matter once all was said and done. Right?
  By 4100NC the pattern had emerged to those who were still paying attention. It took 40 years to complete the repairs the Dannamore suggested and their plan to modernize the city is complete.
Contract, Civil
Authoring Date
3rd of Morai, 4055NC
Ratification Date
22nd of Morai, 4055NC
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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