07 - Angry Ancestor

Commonly called the 'Ancestors Curse' or refered to as 'having an angry ancestor' this mysterious disease has been showing up in Eiyudi communities for several generations. With their limited scientific capacity there is very little the afflicted can do but accept the changes that overcome them as their body tears itself apart and literally rejects portions of their anatomy and then roughly attempts to heal.
The disease seems to target individuals with strong goblinoid heritage. Only a couple dozen cases of the Ancestors Curse have been reported to the Captain, usually via the Town Council, and there has yet to be any conserted effort to search for a specific cure.
At onset the simptoms are difficult to recognize; ill temper and outbursts of anger have been recorded in all known cases. This lasts for several days and is sometimes accompanied by sore muscles surrounding the shoulder/neck region and in men can sometimes extend into the chest and underarms.
Once the haze of rage receeds and their head clears the true and devastating effects of the disease begin to manifest. Within a day the muscle pain becomes intense and it comes on suddenly. Most people collapse but remain conscious with varying degrees of cognitance. Their muscles, now also including the large muscle groups of the lower body flex and ripple in unnatural ways.
Folk who've witnessed it say the muscles moved as though they were merely part of a larger creature shifting in the dark waters of a deep ocean. Muscles everywhere appear to tear apart and writhe and recombine beneath the surface of their skin in disturbing ways and at times completely disfiguring the person. At this point anybody suffering through this alone usually dies - their body goes into shock, they choke on their own tongue or vomit, and sometimes the heinous metamorphosis causes them to snap their own necks or break bones internally that can't be survived.
If the disease doesn't kill an individual they are physically and mentally altered forever. Most say they feel like they lost an unidentifiable 'piece' of themselves and have an extremely difficult time describing the entire experience. The only consistent thing that links every person who has survived the onset of this disease is their physical appearance afterwards. Every survivor was transformed into a full-bodied adult orc.


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