Etude Courthouse of Allegri

This massive four-story building still outwardly looks nearly identical to the day construction was finished three hundred years ago. The same can't be said for the interior however, and most of the original layout ended up being scrapped in favor of larger open spaces where people can relax while waiting for legal appointments or discuss their plans for the future based on recent judgements. There are food vendors on the fourth floor, which has mostly been converted into a covered outdoor amphitheatre where philosophers sometimes gather to debate ideas or even hold hand-to-hand combat tournaments in the sandy 'pit-stage' that occupies the north end of the building.

Purpose / Function

Construction of the courthouse began a few months before the Allegran Accords were ratified, already anticipating the need for a formal meeting place to hold court and all the needs such appointments would require. One of the few government buildings at the time, the architect did their best to design a modest and effective space where everyone would be represented equally. They failed in some ways but were still considered quite progressive for their time. They also intended to have a local governmental messenger service for sending legal documents, a library and copyist for references, and much more that was never executed due to the intense lack of need for it.


The people who planned this building for the city massively misjudged what would be required of the courthouse. Half the courthouse has been adapted to several open-air amphitheatres, private chambers and reading-rooms that can be used for those waiting on appointments or for personal conversations after a judgement is ruled but before it's enacted.
The city maintains the building and even employs year-round janitorial and landscaping staff. Being near the geographical center of the city the dense population of fruit-eating kinkaju can be rough on the buildings and require extra effort to keep in generally pristine condition compared to private buildings that serve a similar purpose.
Parent Location
Owning Organization