Konna Affabellow

The way Konna leaned casually on the edge of the massive fountain made it seem like he could've been sitting in his own private room instead of a public plaza in the middle of the night. As she approached, the man she was meeting pretended not to see her until she was nearly beside him, then turned quickly and smiled so widely that his narrow eyes appeared to nearly shut entirely. His vest was unbuttoned, black and grey silk brocade, and maybe a little too small for him as it left his entire middrift exposed, although she was certain this was intentional.
More than a little flamboyant, his light-weight, ankle-length coat had dark fur at the cuffs and collar. The most outlandish part was his tailored pants. They sat so low on his hips Russolia wasn't even certain how they stayed on! Moreso, they were made from a fancy material that Russolia didn't recognize. The pants were close-fitting but seemed to flex and move with his body, allowing him to move fluidly without the tightness of the garment hindering him - very useful for someone in his line of work. Everything about his clothing had an air of unconventional extravagance and if it were in brighter colours would seem ostentascious but in the muted tones it simply seems off-beat and quirky.

A young man at the time, Konna is repeatedly referenced in the stories and recollections of Russolia Jadeye, the famous survivor of the siege of Medale.
He was supposedly killed during the siege while assisting members of his coterie to escape through back channels. Russolia hinted at suspicions that he may have somehow survived, however her official statements never elaborated on this and some speculate that her thoughts on this were based solely on her personal hopes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit and athletic, Konna was average build and height for a human.

Facial Features

With a narrow face and full, well groomed beard, most wouldn't find his depiction to be attractive. However, whether due to her own attraction or maybe exagerated storytelling, Konna is consistently depicted as physically appealing, sexually magnetic, and fully aware of his effect on those inclined.
Deep brown eyes, high cheekbones (by human anatomical standards), and a square jawline are framed by thick, inky black waves of hair that flow around his shoulders. His heavy lidded eyes pulled downward at the outside edges which only seemed to make the upward curve of his smile more enticing.

Identifying Characteristics

The circumstances of how it happened were unknown to Russolia, but it is mentioned on several occassions in her stories and reports that Konna was missing his fourth and fifth fingers from his left hand.

Mental characteristics


From what can be gleaned of Konna he had a relatively successful career as a conman and theif until he was apprehended by the authorities in Medale. True to his skills, Konna somehow parlayed his capture into a high-level position within law enforcement

Personality Characteristics


Apparently well known for his appearance, or perhaps simply a focus of Russolia's storytelling, Konna would only show himself fully manicured and pristinely coiffed.
Lawful Neutral
3699 3731 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Dark brown, nearly black
Long, curly, inky black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, rich brown


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