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Dirge Unknown Unknown

Of the mysterious Heralds of War, the figure known as Dirge is the most infamous and revered. The voice and visage of Dirge has been recorded in battles over the last two centuries, which, of course is impossible.    Some believe Dirge is an ethereal being that feeds on violence and bloodshed. Some believe he is an immortal hero singing of his own exploits from ages past, while others believe that a new Dirge takes up the mantle of the old every generation.    Despite what you might believe, the songs of Dirge are real. As real as the blades that will clash and the chains of the vanquished. As real as the sweat and grime of the battlefield and as real as the inevitability of death. Dirge does not sing of hope, salvation, peace, or victory. Dirge sings the sagas of the doomed, of ruin, rage, and wrath.    It is said that when Dirge appeared between the armies of Azkosh and Zer Zerude upon the endless dunes of the Red Waste that he was himself a mirage. His long red cowl and cloak billowing unnaturally long across the horizon amidst the metranome of deep drums, discordant strings, and a voice gutteral and vigorous. The blood that was shed that day echoed the calamity in his words as though by his song, he moved thousands to their doom. The warriors of Azkosh believe that those spirits that perished that day were claimed by Dirge for his black rituals and that the battles and wars to come are simply ballads that Dirge has not yet written.   Though the names of his songs are secrets only Dirge knows, they are renown in the kingdom by the following names:   1. Kingdom of Sorrow 2. Rise Against the Dawn 3. Daimondoom 4. Slay the Unbeliever 5. Devadeth 6. Varanus Rex   After the carrion have picked over the slain and the screams of the wounded have faded away unto death, the songs of Dirge live on everafter. Musicians, bards, and entertainers will follow the armies in caravans desperate for the chance that Dirge might appear. Though the songs of other Heralds are revered and drive warriors to riot against the notion of peace, Dirge makes men believe in black magic.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Dirge seems undying in that his first recorded appearance was over 200 years prior to the events of the story. In addition to his immortality, Dirge has never been apprehended. By smoke and phantasm he eludes any who have attempted to apprehend him, but by the code of the warriors of Karavas, it is forbidden to intercede in the affairs of a Herald of War by penalty of death.

Apparel & Accessories

Red cloak and cowl, obscured visage.

Specialized Equipment

A Panctar with a unique discordant sound common among Heralds of War. Huge, deep, and resonant drums of varying timbre.
212 years since the first song of Dirge
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Approximately 6'


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Aug 22, 2024 20:20 by Cassie Storyweaver

Oh, yes, definitely heavy metal. And so mysterious. Definitely got me wondering about Dirge. I can see many articles branching off from this, describing the individual songs, and the bards that record them. Do they dare play any of Dirge's songs themselves?

Greetings fromAdventurer's Guide to Exandria! Check out my Reading Challenge here: Reading Challenge August 2024.