Bloody Mongrels Organization in Karil - The Calamity | World Anvil
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Bloody Mongrels

The Mongrels are something akin to a hobgoblin veteran’s home - Only, instead of relaxing their old age away, they get a piece of wood stuck into their bleeding leg wound or a hook attached to the forearm. Taking the wounded and ailing from the other companies, the Bloody Mongrels have gone from a charity organization to a fully fledged mercenary group with an abundance of experience and well-trained, if handicapped, veteran troops to draw from.
Though joining the Bloody Mongrels is considered a dishonor, most members come to develop a sense of pride from their membership - Everyone in the Bloody Mongrels have experienced true hardships, more than any member of the other Mercenary Companies.
The Bloody Mongrels are usually willing to take tasks that other companies would consider too dangerous or not worthwhile, their members having almost no fear.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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