Wrecking Krew Organization in Karil - The Calamity | World Anvil
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Wrecking Krew

A company priding itself on its siege weaponry and ability to breach any blockade, wall or fortification, the Wrecking Krew saw itself cut almost entirely out of contracts when the Virulent City was quarantined. For a good while, it seemed like the company would go under, but due to the political machinations of their leader Garrote, the company managed to position itself as the leader of The Walk, showing the formidability of his company in a short military campaign waged against Yondergate.
The Wrecking Krew may not be the strongest of the mercenary companies, but Garrote has shown himself to be a shrewd politician, getting the company several important contracts and keeping the other companies from backstabbing him.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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