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SnowFall, the regional capital of the North of Karkanna, is a city steeped in history and mystery. It was founded by the first Stargs, and over the centuries has become an unbreakable bastion of power and culture in the region.
  The city is known for its impenetrable walls, which are made of ice that has been magically imbued to make it incredibly strong and resilient. This unique defense mechanism has allowed SnowFall to withstand countless attempts at conquest and invasion, making it one of the most secure and well-defended cities in all of Karkanna.
  In the heart of the city lies the magnificent palace of the Starg family, which has been the seat of power in SnowFall for generations. The palace is a stunning example of architecture, with soaring towers and intricate details that reflect the wealth and power of the ruling family. It is said that within the walls of the palace lies a treasury of unimaginable riches, guarded by fierce warriors and powerful magic.
  The streets of SnowFall are lined with shops and markets, where vendors sell everything from exotic spices to rare magical artifacts. The city is also home to some of the most renowned craftsmen and artisans in Karkanna, who create beautiful works of art and fine goods that are prized throughout the region.
  One of the most unique features of SnowFall is the requirement that there must always be a Starg in residence within the city walls. This tradition has been in place since the founding of the city, and has served to maintain a strong and stable leadership in SnowFall. The Stargs are respected and revered by the people of the city, and their presence is seen as a symbol of safety and security.
  Despite its formidable defenses and strong leadership, SnowFall is not without its challenges. The harsh winters of the North can be brutal, and the city must be self-sufficient in order to survive. However, with the wealth and resources at its disposal, SnowFall has managed to flourish and thrive in even the most challenging of times.
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