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The Lost

The Lost are a secretive and dangerous group that operates within the shadows of Karkanna. They are known to be a cult-like organization that worships a god known only as the Xul. Little is known about this deity, as the cultists guard their knowledge with fanatic zeal. However, rumors suggest that the Nameless One is a being of immense power who grants wishes to those who please him.
  The Lost are not a well-organized group, but instead operate as small cells scattered throughout Karkanna. Each cell is led by a charismatic leader who is responsible for recruiting new members and carrying out the cult's twisted rituals. These rituals often involve the sacrifice of unsuspecting travelers, whom the cultists lure into their clutches with promises of aid and companionship.
  Once a new member is recruited, they are carefully groomed by their leader until they are fully indoctrinated into the cult's twisted beliefs. The Lost see themselves as a chosen people, and view outsiders as little more than tools to be used in the Nameless One's grand design. The cultists believe that by offering up sacrifices to their god, they are ensuring his favor and earning their own wishes.
  The Lost operate in secret, and their rituals are carried out in remote locations far from prying eyes. Those who stumble upon one of their ceremonies are quickly silenced, either through force or coercion. Those who manage to escape are often too traumatized to speak of what they have seen, and the cultists are careful to cover their tracks.
  Despite their small numbers, the Lost are a dangerous group, and their influence is growing. Rumors suggest that they have even infiltrated some of Karkanna's most powerful institutions, and that their reach extends far beyond what most people realize.

You can trust me my friend

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Back Stabbers
Notable Members


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