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Xul is believed to be a powerful entity that can grant wishes to those who make sacrifices to him. The Lost believe that Xul can only be appeased with the blood of those who have wandered too far from their path and are lost in the wilderness. They believe that by offering these sacrifices, they are earning Xul's favor and that he will grant them their heart's desire.   Xul is depicted as a hooded figure with a skeletal face, holding a scythe in one hand and a blackened heart in the other. The Lost believe that this heart represents the souls of those who have been sacrificed to Xul and that it beats within his chest, fueling his power.   The cult believes that Xul has always existed, even before the creation of the world, and that he is the true master of life and death. They see him as a merciful deity who grants wishes to those who prove themselves worthy through their offerings, rather than a cruel god who takes life without reason.   The Lost also believe that Xul is not bound by the laws of the mortal world and that he can appear and disappear at will. They see his influence in the natural world, as well as in the dreams and visions of his followers. Some members of the cult even claim to have seen Xul in person, usually in moments of great stress or despair.   Overall, the cult of Xul is a dark and twisted religion, centered around the worship of death and the sacrifice of innocents. They believe that their god can grant them anything they desire, but at a terrible cost to others. Their practices are considered abhorrent by most of the population of Karkanna, and the cult is often hunted down by law enforcement or other religious groups.
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