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The Recovery Age (Early Conflict) - 910 AE to 1006 AE (approx.)

Military action


The first genuine border skirmishes between the Hadovean Empire and Kingdom of Geldheim since the Succession Wars are recorded. Over the next two decades or thereabouts, small war parties (between 20 and 50) engage in border skirmishers, often for little real effect on either faction.

It is the widely held academic view that this was the actual renewal of hostilities between age old enemies. It should also be noted that population growth had been steadily increasing. Consequently, as time goes on, more and more able bodies are recruited into this new conflict borne from a centuries old feud.

The Scholar Pistecos writes his short tales from the border classic (987 AE). Somewhat predictively describing an eventual escalation of hostilities that, in modern times we are all too aware of. His classic work also rather disturbingly captures with artful eloquence, the absolute beauty, strengths, elegance, creativity, intelligence, horror, deep flaws, clumsy, destructive, wilful, ignorant, manipulative, underhanded, violent and deceptive natures of both factions are capable of.   Corruption is reportedly wide spread throughout the Hadovean Empire, all stemming from the council of 12 (there have only been a few rare periods where a stable council consisting of actually twelve members has existed, this period was NOT one of them), consisting of four “elite” citizens. Wide spread civil unrest ensued due to the massive disparity between access to resources.   Simultaneously, the Kingdom of Geldheim was having its own period of “unrest”. Instability of the throne, in fighting between the “noble” houses and no oversight over managing the business of the kingdom created the perfect storm of internal conflict and unrest.   The unrest escalates in a few major centres to full scale riots with casualties. Leadership of both factions are shaken to their cores as the unrest spreads to the very people they want protecting them, refused to attack, even to subdue, so called rebels.

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