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History of Ashnoor

Golden Age (Before Epiphany - After Epiphany)

871 7

Precious little is known of our period of history known as the Golden Age. It is widely considered to be a period of time of great technological advances and prosperity.

  • -870 BE

    223 BE

    The Golden Age – approx. 870 BE to 223 AE
    Era beginning/end

    Precious little is known for certain of our period of history known as the Golden Age. It is widely considered to be a period in time of great technological advances and prosperity. Other schools of thought propose that the actual Golden Age is eons long gone and that other time periods named are at best rudimnetary interpretations. That said, they agree technology was in all likelihood unimaginable.

  • 7 BE

    The Knife Accord 7 AE

    Treaty at Knife (The Knife accord):


The Decline

7 222

The events of the final years of the Golden Era.

  • 7 AE

    The Knife Accord 7 AE

    Treaty at Knife (The Knife accord):

  • 120 AE

    Financial Event

    It is dangerous work but rewarding

  • 125 AE


    Life, Birth

    The birth of Isolde, celebrated in the 9th Month (Ildres) of the Ashnoor Calendar year.
    Isolde would become a noteworthy monarch.

  • 130 AE


    Eruption of the Father
    Disaster / Destruction

    Eruption of the Father Mountain (Later known as Mt Tiny resulting from the devastation caused by the eruption.

  • 132 AE


    Admiral Keldon Breckion sets sail

    Admiral Keldon Breckion set sail with a fleet of twenty ships to explore the unknown…

    The expidetion was sponsored by the Crown with high hopes.

  • 148 AE

    The Great Library and Isolde's Coronation
    Political event

    The centre of all knowledge.

    Isolde’s coronation.

  • 150 AE

    The great library in Aringale after stock take announces they have over 5,000 documents, scrolls, books, maps, drawings stored in their shelves. [br] [br] [br] The coronation boasted three days of celebration following on from a magnificent coronation spe
    Discovery, Exploration

    A battered fleet returns, a hero dies.

  • 150 AE

    160 AE


    The Floral Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    (The Flowering Blight scourge) A devastatingly deadly illness swept the land for a decade.   An old man from a backwater village found, or rather, stumbled onto the cure experimenting with different herbs to spice the various alcohols they made in said village…   Of course, this was not until millions had died and ten years had passed. However, it the Flowering Blight was stopped.     For now...

  • 200 AE


    Queen Isolde 75th Birthday
    Life, Milestone

    Celebrations throughout the lands for the Queen’s 75th birthday. Ashnoor's achievements during her reign include developing an extensive transport network, message service, banking, universities, hospitals and a welfare system is in place.   Some tentative steps around trade with other nations have commenced. However, it is slow though, other nations do not presently seem to have the desire to travel.

  • 207 AE

    208 AE


    The Orc incursion
    Military action

    A massive Orc army sweeps south towards the capital. This was a short live push by these Orcs, however, because it was completely unexpected, they gained a lot ground, but their lack of supply lines and poor discipline their raid fizzled out.   It is thought none of the Orc Warband survived.   It is also only gossip at best regarding where they came from.

    Additional timelines

The Succession Wars

222 250

The Queen is dead, long live the...
Twins in line for throne, one willing to stand down, no one willing to accept that.

  • 223 AE


    The Queen is Dead
    Life, Death

    Queen Isolda dies peacefully in her sleep. Thus begins the Succession Wars shortly thereafter.

  • 223 AE

    250 AE

    The Succession Wars 223 AE to 250 AE

    Queen Iselda was dead. Soon after the war for succession begins

    Additional timelines
  • 250 AE


    The Rise of The Erayax Horde – 250 AE

    Little is known of The Erayax origins, however many believe it was born out of dissent over The Knife Accord and the unity that facilitated. It is, therefore, also believed that both The Kingdom of Geldheim and The Hadovean Empire were aware of The Erayax existence, a belief supported records of minor encounters in the historical documents of both factions.

  • 250 AE


    The Fall of Aringale – 250 AE
    Military action

    The end of an Era.

    Ashnoor's fabled capital Aringale falls to the Erayax

    Additional timelines


251 1252

The war had raged for just over a quarter of a century. The Erayax had stopped pursuing the two forces, so it was that despite being war weary, the great battle was still to come in a sparsely inhabited region a few leagues south east from Bardaga Lake. This would last for some weeks and devastate almost an entire generation. It did not resolve the conflict, BUT, it did briefly halt the hostilities, there was simply no one left with any heart to fight. Both factions retreated to their respective realms to lick wounds and rebuild.

  • 251 AE

    580 AE

    The Recovery Age (Survival) 251 AE - 580 AE
    Construction beginning/end

    The Succession War are a good as done with no clear victor.

  • 580 AE

    750 AE

    The Recovery Age (Expansion) - 580 AE to 750 AE
    Military action

    From about 600 AE on, both the Kingdom of Geldheim and the Hadovean Empire war parties (branded as explorers) claimed new territories. They had begun to do so forcibly, as many of the formerly non-aligned territories resisted what they perceived as occupation.

  • 700 AE

    750 AE

    The Recovery Age (Assault on Neutrality) - 700 AE to 750 AE
    Criminal Activity

    These were particularly dangerous for the keepers of knowledge (such as; scholars, clerks, librarians, to some degree, scribes). Often targeted to not only to pilfer the rarer scrolls, maps, treasures or other artefacts but to remove them as the very representatives of genuine neutrality.

  • 750 AE

    910 AE

    The Recovery Age (Reformation of Class Guilds) - 750 AE to 910 AE
    Political event

    The Class Guilds had survived many hurdles during the first few decades of formation. Notably, both the Kingdom of Geldheim and the Hadovean Empire are widely considered by scholars to be responsible for an infamous massacre relating to Class Guilds. Despite all this, it is broadly accepted by both factions that the neutrality of class guilds remains integral to the overall keeping of knowledge neutral.

  • 910 AE

    1006 AE

    The Recovery Age (Early Conflict) - 910 AE to 1006 AE (approx.)
    Military action

    The first genuine border skirmishes between the Hadovean Empire and Kingdom of Geldheim since the Succession Wars are recorded. Over the next two decades or thereabouts, small war parties (between 20 and 50) engage in border skirmishers, often for little real effect on either faction.

  • 1006 AE

    1253 AE

    The Recovery Age (Escalating Conflict) - 1006 AE to Present (1253 AE)

    Although at times presented as a glorious period of peace and collaboration, there is as much evidence to suggest a feeling of disdainful tolerance existed, in some regions at least.

Geldheim and Hadovean recommence hostilities (After Epiphany)

1253 1300

After almost a thousand years, the Kingdom of Geldheim and the Hadovian Imperial forces contest for territory in the free lands (Contested territory).
The contested territory offers up an ecclectic mix of self styled duchies, townships, settlements, nomadic bands to name a small few.
And the Erayax perpetually in the shadows (or the field).

  • 1253 AE

    10 Avlene
    1253 AE

    26 Soeyre

    The Brittlestone Mine
    Military action

    The Brittlestone Mine

    Additional timelines
  • 1253 AE

    26 Wieyar
    1253 AE

    26 Wieyar

    Vespilli River campaign: 26 Wieyar 1253 AE
    Military: Battle

    Despite furious resistence it was a short day's work to finalise this campaign.

    Almost frustratingly fast considering the months of hardship and sacrifice it had taken to get to be here on this day.

    Additional timelines
  • 1254 AE

    23 Xumdione
    1254 AE

    6 Grigori

    Uaimh Coibheniel campaign
    Military action

    As campaigns go this was a relatively short one, as far as the fighting went.

    Additional timelines
  • 1254 AE

    23 Xumdione
    1254 AE

    6 Grigori

    Empire expands it's territory
    Military action

    A decisive victory having defeated a sizeable group of defenders in the field at the first battle of the campaign.

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  • 1254 AE

    10 Ildres
    1256 AE

    27 Ayvla

    Siege of Pont and other events
    Military: War

    The protracted siege of Pont began with an inocuous river battle.
    It became a cumbersome siege for both factions that drew out over almost two years.

    Additional timelines
  • 1254 AE

    25 Behblin
    1255 AE

    26 Avlene

    Vespilli taken
    Military action

    Geldheim launched a second attempt to take Vespilli under their direct influence.

    Additional timelines
  • 1256 AE

    14 Ayvla
    1256 AE

    4 Ashay

    King Allard's demise
    Life, Death

    Allard never really fully recovered from his injuries sustained in the failed assassination attempt that killed the rest, or at least most of his family.
    His son was still missing, most assumed him dead.
    He did however wait until the seige of Pont was resolved, or at least, so it seemed.
