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Cult of Dusk

"I shall not counsel you against fear of the demon: the Light knows you have none. But even the Light cannot carry the day against such a foe, for what use is sword and hammer? No, it is knowledge! Knowledge is our impenetrable shield and when faced with such belief the demon becomes weak. Knowledge is our fiery sword and with it we burn out the diabolic cancer that lurks in the night, wherever it is found."
— Father Malkior Twine
The cult of the Dusk is a small cult within the Sect of Hepostrism that worship the God of Light, Uriel, the Lights Dawn. The cult focuses on a small part of Uriel's worshippers, believing that while the Light of civilization is important the best way to protect it is to work within the shadows that it casts. These worshippers will guard dark knowledge and hoard evil artefacts, and often accompany Templars and Inquisitors on quests to exterminate strange and evil creatures or recover dangerous artefacts.

Tenets of Faith

The Cult of Dusk follows 4 tenants to ensure that their disciples are not corrupted and the powers they obtain are kept safe from unjust hands.

Purge the Wicked. destroy all the evils of the night, burn their nests and slaughter their young.   Annex Dark Knowledge. ensure all knowledge of the dark creatures is kept safe. Out of the hands of the innocent, the corruptable.   Serve the Light. keep the faith and remember why you dwell in the shadows.   Utilise Shadow. fight fire with fire, the daemon shall kill the daemon.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The cult of the Dusk is well known within Stormwind, however, they are not revered or respected, they are tolerated. The nobles will call upon the services of templars and knights when threats approach knowing that these shady clerics will lend their aid. The cult has a history of stealing artefacts and hiding knowledge away, their existence is only allowed because the Inquisition finds them useful, always having answers and tools hidden away that they can use.

Only those who work in the darkness have seen the light

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Twilight Cult, Dark-Clerics
Parent Organization


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