Studying the extraordinary: establishing the truth about magic and its wielders Document in Kelter | World Anvil
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Studying the extraordinary: establishing the truth about magic and its wielders


A case study focused on studying members of various species said to have extraordinary abilities, supposedly linked to magic. Intended to establish, once and for all, if magic was real, and could be wielded by people, in response to the increasingly common belief of magic coming into existence after the extinction of the Progenitors.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The original paper was published digitally, in a cooperative effort between several species included in the research. Afterwards it became enshrined in countless archives, marked as a clear turning-point in the history of Vita-Touched. Though much of the history of Vita-Touched was lost during the Third Age, this paper was copied among enough archives that it still survives, in public access, during the Fourth (current) Age.

Historical Details


This study marks the first (official) proof of the existence of not just magic, but specifically of people capable of using magic. Later known as Vita-Touched, this paper legitimized their existence and their abilities. It establishes that magic not only exist, but it seems to exist in an increasing manner. More and more people are capable of wielding it, with an especially notable increase in children born after The Uprising.

Public Reaction

Reactions in the public were varied. As galactic levels of Vita were raising, more and more people became capable of magic, in increasingly noticeable manners. As such, rumors and stories about extraordinary people, magical events, and other such notions were becoming increasingly common. This paper established it as a real thing, which form some soothed the mind, whereas others felt more troubled by the implication that magic was now a real thing they might have to fear.


As a result of officially establishing the existence of people capable of magic, the United Galactic Federation (UGF) was encouraged to built their existence directly into galactic society. People calling for official magic-training and education led directly to the formation of the Grand Order of the Magai, an organization dedicated to the magic-capable Vita-Touched.
Study, Scientific
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
Year 6

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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