Vita Starvation Condition in Kelter | World Anvil
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Vita Starvation

Though often considered the opposite of Saturation, Vita Starvation is unlike Saturation in that it affects not just Vita-Touched, but all living beings, although Vita-Touched suffer worse and more noticably. The condition is typically not fatal on its own, but its effect on the body can make it easier for other things to cause severe injury or death. In select species, for which Vita is critical for functioning, Vita Starvation can be fatal, especially over longer spans of time.


All living beings create Vita naturally, and store it within their bodies (up to a certain limit). With Vita Starvation, these natural Vita stores are almost, or completely, depleted. This can occur in a variety of manners, like with machinery (such as Vita Absortion Machines or Vita-harvesting machinery), but it can also occur naturally (some animals or plants may feed on Vita, such as terminarchs ) or even be done to oneself (a Vita-Touched can use up their own stored Vita as part of magical efforts).


Being low on Vita has an overall weakening effect on living beings. They're physically weaker, and less sturdy. Beings low on Vita are easier to injure and slower to heal. From the Second Era onwards, Vita Starvation is also characterized with people feeling exhausted, a sort of bone-deep feeling that doesn't seem to originate from anywhere specific inside their bodies. They may have increased appetite (as their bodies attempt to generate more Vita).   For Vita-Touched, Vita Starvation has the additional (and very noticeable) side-effect of leaving them unable to use magic. In species for which Vita is a vital component of their functioning (such as niskhi), there are typically species-specific symptoms, dependent on how their bodies use Vita. They also tend to suffer from the standard symptoms more severely, weakening more and faster, and often suffer a loss of appetite.


There is no real treatment for Vita Starvation, except to wait it out. The body generates its own Vita, and given enough time and resources, will make up for the shortage itself. It can't be fed Vita directly, and can't absorb pre-formed Vita from the environment. The rate at which Vita is created varies per species, with intelligent creatures generally having higher rates of production (and humanoid having even higher rates).   Of course, recovery relies on the source of the Vita drainage being taken care of first. If something is still actively draining Vita from the victim, they will not recover until the cause is removed.


Typically, Vita Starvation is a perfectly survivable condition. In species for which Vita is essential to the body, Vita Starvation has more severe effects, and can often be fatal. Exact repercussions (and fatality rate) depend on the species, and how, exactly, Vita is integrated within their body.


Vita Starvation is a temporary condition; once the body has generated enough Vita to fill its stores back up, there are no lasting effects. Still, the weakening, higher risk of injury and sickness, and lowered healing rates make it likely for victims to be left with long-term or even permanent repercussions, even if not caused directly by the Vita Starvation.   Victims of Vita Starvation may also suffer from side-effects based on the method with which their natural Vita stores were drained. If done too roughly, as common with Vita Absortion Machines, the victim's Vita core can be damaged, which may make it difficult or even impossible for them to control magic even after replenishing their Vita stores, making them Saturated.

Affected Groups

It affects all living beings, although it is more noticeable in Vita-Touched and species reliant on Vita (such as niskhi).


Vita Starvation used to be widespread during the First Age. It was not only exceedingly common, it was the normal state of being for most of the galaxy, with only a far few blindspots being immune from the Progenitors Vita draining. After they were all driven extinct, and their Vita-harvesting machinery destroyed, the condition slowly tapered off, and became fairly rare.

Cultural Reception

Once, during the First Age, Vita Starvation was such a normalized condition that people didn't even know they had it. It was only after, once they were no longer being drained of the Vita they naturally generated, that they discovered they had been sick all along. Suddenly, people were stronger, healthier, harder to injure and quicker to recover. Even if it wasn't quite capable of allowing for miraculous recoveries, it certainly improved conditions for many people. It was incredible, to have countless people across the galaxy recovering from a sickness none fo them knew they had.

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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