
Mythralis is a thriving metropolis located in the southern part of the Keraian Empire, steeped in history and rich with cultural heritage. Once the capital of a grand elven kingdom, the city now flourishes upon the remnants of its storied past. Situated on the coast, Mythralis boasts a striking view of Sentinel's Watch, a small island fort that stands sentinel on the horizon.

The city’s architecture reflects a blend of majestic elven elegance and imperial grandeur. Its streets are a maze of narrow, winding alleys lined with colorful, ornate buildings, their intricate stonework and graceful arches echoing the city’s ancient heritage. The waterfront is a bustling hub, featuring lively marketplaces, vibrant cafes, and bustling docks where merchants and sailors from across the empire converge. Elegant promenades and expansive plazas offer stunning views of the sea, and the scent of saltwater mingles with the rich aroma of spices and local cuisine. Mythralis’ skyline is adorned with towering spires and domes, casting a captivating silhouette against the backdrop of the ocean. With a population of 130,000, the city is a dynamic fusion of historical grandeur and modern vibrancy, serving as a cultural and economic beacon in the Empire’s southern reaches.


  • Humans 80%
  • Elves 10%
  • Half elves 5%
  • Other Races 5%


Mythralis operates under a unique form of governance characterized by a council of influential merchants. The city’s political structure is managed by a Parliament composed of ten members, all of whom are prominent figures within the powerful Merchant Guild. These merchant leaders wield considerable authority, making decisions that shape the city’s economic and social landscape. Although the council answers to the Keraian Empire, their relationship with the central authority is more indirect, allowing them a significant degree of independence in local matters. This system enables the council to navigate the city’s affairs with a focus on commerce and trade, reflecting the interests of the Merchant Guild while maintaining a delicate balance with imperial directives. The council's independence and its members' deep ties to the economic lifeblood of Mythralis ensure that the city remains a vibrant and self-sufficient hub of prosperity.


1. Seasfarer's Harbor: This is the bustling port district of Mythralis, serving as the gateway to the closed Sea of Syralis. This vital maritime hub facilitates trade and travel to key destinations such as the cities of Pariant and the dwarven lands of Louthiran, as well as providing a route to the Aerithia Archipelago. The district is alive with the clamor of commerce, from the creak of ships unloading goods to the vibrant exchanges in the market stalls that line the docks. The harbor is lined with sturdy warehouses, lively taverns, and the grand offices of trading companies, all set against a backdrop of tall masts and billowing sails. The scent of saltwater and cargo mingles with the sounds of seagulls and the shouts of dockworkers, creating a dynamic atmosphere that embodies the city’s role as a crucial maritime center.

2. Sylvarian Heights: This is a distinctive district perched on a low cliff, once the heart of the ancient elven capital. Today, it remains a vibrant enclave for the elves within Mythralis, characterized by its deep connection to the city's elven heritage. The district is centered around the Edhellond, a revered holy tree that stands as a symbol of elven history and spirituality. The elves of Sylvarian Heights enjoy a degree of freedom and independence not found in other parts of the empire, embracing their cultural traditions and maintaining their unique customs. However, despite their autonomy, the area has earned a reputation as a ghetto, with its narrow streets and aging buildings reflecting a sense of neglect and marginalization.

3. Merchant's Row: This is the affluent district of Mythralis, serving as the epicenter of the city’s commercial and political life. Here, the grand halls of the Merchant Guilds and the opulent chambers of the Parliament stand as symbols of the district’s wealth and influence. The area is characterized by its luxurious villas, where noble families and high-class citizens reside in splendor. The streets are lined with elegant architecture and manicured gardens, reflecting the affluence of its inhabitants. At the heart of Merchant’s Row lies the city’s most exclusive bazaar, a dazzling marketplace where the wealthiest traders showcase rare and exquisite goods from across the empire and beyond. This bustling market is known for its high-end shops, fine dining establishments, and the vibrant social scene that draws the elite of Mythralis. The district’s prosperity and prestige make it a striking contrast to the city’s other areas, embodying the economic power and sophistication of the metropolis.

4. Silvercrest: This is a distinguished noble district in Mythralis, known for its refined yet slightly more understated elegance compared to Merchant’s Row. This area features stately manors and high-end residences that house the city's prominent families and influential figures. The district is marked by its well-maintained streets and impressive, yet less ostentatious, architecture. Silvercrest boasts a selection of upscale shops, exclusive inns, and high-quality establishments, including elegant brothels that cater to the city’s elite. The atmosphere is one of sophisticated charm, with a focus on discretion and comfort rather than the extravagant display of wealth seen in Merchant’s Row. Despite its lower profile, Silvercrest remains a hub of high society, offering a blend of luxury and refinement that reflects the status of its inhabitants.

5. The Commons: is the bustling residential heart of Mythralis, characterized by its dense and overcrowded neighborhoods. This district is the vibrant core where the city's common people live and work, and its streets are alive with the energy of daily life. The Commons is a maze of narrow alleys and tightly-packed housing, with modest homes and apartment buildings standing side by side. Market stalls and small shops line the streets, offering everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods. The district is filled with a cacophony of sounds—from the chatter of vendors to the hum of local businesses—reflecting its role as the city’s economic and social engine. Despite its cramped conditions, The Commons is a place of lively community spirit, where the hustle and bustle of everyday life create a dynamic and resilient atmosphere.

6. Artisan's Enclave: is a thriving district in Mythralis dedicated to craftsmanship and industry. This area is a bustling hub of activity, where the clatter of hammers and the hum of machinery are constant companions. The streets are lined with workshops, factories, and blacksmiths, each contributing to a vibrant tapestry of trades and crafts. Artisans of all kinds—metalworkers, woodworkers, and textile producers—operate side by side, creating everything from intricate jewelry to sturdy tools. The district is a crafter’s dream, with specialized shops offering high-quality materials and bespoke services. The air is filled with the rich aroma of molten metal and fresh wood shavings, blending with the sights of artisans at work and the occasional plume of smoke rising from a forge. Artisan’s Enclave is not only a vital part of Mythralis’s economy but also a testament to the city’s dedication to the arts and trades, making it a central and inspiring place for anyone passionate about craftsmanship.

7. Sanctum Grove : is the temple district of Mythralis, distinguished by its rich and diverse array of religious practices. Unlike much of the Keraian Empire, which predominantly follows the faith of Novirath, Sanctum Grove is a sanctuary for a wide range of deities and spiritual traditions. The district is characterized by its serene atmosphere and the grandeur of its numerous temples, each dedicated to different gods. The most prominent among them are the towering Temple of Ondrul, the god of creation, celebrated for its intricate architectural design and expansive halls; the Temple of Silanthas, the god of trade, known for its bustling courtyards and vibrant market spaces that blend worship with commerce; and the Temple of Ephelion, the god of arts, an inspiring haven filled with stunning mosaics, sculptures, and performance spaces. Sanctum Grove serves as a cultural and spiritual epicenter, reflecting the city's acceptance of diverse beliefs and its commitment to fostering a harmonious coexistence of varied religious practices. The district is a peaceful retreat from the city's busier areas, offering a place for reflection, worship, and community.

8. Waterfront: This is the coastal district of Mythralis, known for its modest and gritty character. This area is characterized by its small docks and humble fishing boats, where local fishermen haul in their catch amidst the constant rhythm of the tides. The Waterfront is the lowest and poorest part of the city, with cramped, dilapidated buildings and narrow, uneven streets. It serves as the home to the city's most impoverished residents, and its proximity to the docks makes it a haven for criminals and those living on the fringes of society. The air is often filled with the briny scent of the sea mixed with the less pleasant odors of refuse and decay. Despite its harsh conditions, the Waterfront is a bustling area with its own kind of resilience and community spirit, where survival is a daily struggle and life’s harsh realities are always present.

9. Sentinel's Watch: It is a small, rugged island situated just a 10-minute trip from the shores of Mythralis. Though it is little more than a barren rock, it plays a crucial role in the city’s defense. Dominated by a formidable fortress, Sentinel’s Watch serves as a vigilant outpost, equipped with advanced warning systems designed to detect and alert Mythralis of any approaching threats from the sea. The fortress's towering walls and strategic positioning make it an essential part of the city’s coastal defense, providing early warnings of potential invasions or other dangers. The stark, windswept landscape of Sentinel’s Watch contrasts sharply with the bustling metropolis of Mythralis, embodying both the isolation and the strategic importance of this key defensive location.

  • Alignment: N
  • Caster Level: 14
  • Religion: Multi-religious
  • Language: Common, Elven
  • Wealth: 90,000gp
  • Allowance: 10,500gp
Founding Date
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