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The Mausoleum

The Mausolem stands as a somber testament to the resilience and enduring spirit of the Zenites within Highstorm. Once the grandeur of Yima's Manor, these solemn remnants have been preserved in their original state following the devastating attack by Meridian forces. Now, the Mausolem serves as a sacred space of remembrance and reverence, where Zenites gather to honor the memories of those lost in the turmoil of the past.   Within the solemn halls of the Mausolem tranquility reigns supreme, offering solace to those who seek respite from the tumultuous world outside. Soft candlelight flickers against weathered stone walls adorned with intricate carvings, casting shadows that dance with the whispers of the past. Here, amidst the echoes of history, Zenites find a sanctuary to mourn their losses, to reflect upon the fragility of life, and to draw strength from the enduring bonds of community and kinship.   At the center of the Mausolem is the Great Tree. Only devout Zenites are now allowed to approach its sacred branches, and it's not impossible to find Florence Deshayes or Kathova underneath its boughs as if waiting for the Matron's return.


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