BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Meridian are a people joined together by the belief that all life is sacred, and that the restoration and preservation of their worlds prior to the arrival of Oblivion is attainable. What is lost can be regained utilizing the life-giving essences of the Meridian, and accepting the loss of their homes is unconscionable to the residents of Springstar. Through regular celebrations of reflection and remembrance, they keep their cultures and homeworlds alive; there is always something being built or expanded, new coming to rise up and flourish as towers and monuments touch the expansive sky — and in each piece, you see a part of someone's heartland.   The Meridian are lead by Helios' Legionary, which has presided over the busy metropolis for as long as its oldest Shard-Bearer's memory can recall. Its elected Tribune, Cyrus, is a well-loved symbol of the Meridian's peace and prosperity, an enigmatic and charming man who keeps the cogs of the mighty city ever turning. He will welcome you to Springstar with open arms, give you whatever accommodations you desire, and treat you as if you were an old friend — long as you vow to assist him in saving the fate of all worlds. The Oracles cannot fall into the hands of the Zenith, or it means the end. The end of everything. An Oblivion there is no coming back from.   Can you look upon the eyes of his people and not be moved to do whatever is necessary to restore the many worlds, the many universes they represent? Accept the Meridian, and accept the inevitability of victory — and the return of your home.  

About Meridian

Meridian is the faction that advocates for the position that the worlds that you came from are still out there and can be saved, but the power of the Oracles is needed to do it. All Shard-Bearers are provided with a Sunbeam to help give them proof of Meridian’s hope. Through it, you can see your world, and it’s considered proof that they can be restored. Otherwise, what is it that you’re seeing?   While there are some unknowns about the process of restoring the worlds once the Oracles are in Meridian’s hands, there are some things they know thanks to explorations and research of the multiverse through the Timestream over the centuries. For one, they believe that the restoration of worlds will be complete. Whatever your world was before, that’s how it will return — it’s not possible for these worlds to be reshaped by Meri hands. However, if that world is one you don’t want to return to, you won’t have to. Nothing about their explorations say that a Kenosian absolutely must return to the world they came from. They could easily pick another world as their new home, should they wish.   While Cyrus and the other members of Meridian may not have the kind of power that Yima does, they’ll still do everything they can to help you. Meridian deeply believes in community and helping each other, and so if there’s something you need, Cyrus will do everything he can to try and get it for you. He’s a problem solver and supporting the Shard-Bearers is something he considers to be an important part of his job. Of course, if you’re looking for something like a Shard or more conceptual like power, he can’t exactly help with that. It’s part of why Zenith is so tempting to those with these desires…  

Meri Diplomacy

Because Springstar has a high, dense population, material goods are always vital. Part of the duties of the Tribune is to manage the resources of the city such that people have enough to live well, and it’s a duty that only gets more difficult in war. Guarantees of resources are good bargaining chips for Zenites to consider with Meridian, as is the safety of the civilian populace. Shard-Bearers are also very important, naturally, and Cyrus will always advocate to bring them back. After all, leaving a companion behind or to their fate is something that should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.   In terms of their wider goal, Meridian does want to restore all lost worlds — including those of the Zenites and Unharmonized. The promise of Meridian isn’t selective in restoring only some worlds. Every resident of Kenos will have someone to go to, whether they choose to return to their world or to go to someone else’s.


  • Springstar
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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