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One of the two gangs that has taken up residence in Kowloon, the Unseen is headed by Gulilai Amit. Its members are bitter rivals of the Jade Crows because of a long-lasting blood feud.   A member of the gang is most identifiable by irezumi. The tattos are primarily focused on dragons or serpents. Once someone is inducted into the group, they’re immediately asked to get inked by an affiliated artist. These tattoos are enchanted with a spell; the tattoos of any member to betray the gang will begin to eat away at their body like a flesh-eating parasite. The process is intentionally slow, to make disloyal members suffer terribly for even thinking about betraying the Unseen.   Compared to the insular nature of the Jade Crows, the Unseen is more of a rag-tag group. No one cares particularly about blood relations of high-ranking members; all that matters is what members are capable of and what they’re willing to provide to the gang. This goes all the way up to their leaders as well. It’s tradition for the leaders to go through a ritual where the old one is killed when it’s time for a new boss to succeed them. If they’re a Shard-Bearer, the new boss will crush the old boss’s Shard in front of the entire gang. This is to guarantee the gang’s loyalty to the new boss, so that they aren’t left pining for the old boss once their reign is over.   The Unseen's business is primarily in bars, brothels, money laundering and loan sharks, black markets (mostly items and exotic creatures; not so much weapons), and smuggling. Their firepower is reliant on the supernatural. The Unseen tends to attract the likes of those who aren't human or who are especially gifted in magic. They sure have a lot of oni in their ranks…

Notable Members
Concept/Content by Archer.


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