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People's Liberation Front of Korea



The PLFK is a communist organization that follows the teachings of the German philosopher Marx of 60 or so years ago. Marx's philosophy, called communism, or sometimes Marxism, was documented in literature written by Marx, and expanded on by his successors.   The ideology believes that history is a series of events that refine via a "dialectic" process that inevitably moves towards a utopian communist world, and that the proletariat, a class of people who are laborers that compose the majority of people overthrow the oppressive bourgeois ruling class. The workers will then theoretically form a stateless classless society where the reactionary, religious, and conservative beliefs of the past will disappear and in their place equity of all people, and collective ownership of factories, farms, and the abolishment of private property.   This worldwide worker's revolution will be brought about by intellectuals who break away from the bourgeoisie from learning of communist theory, and will break the worker's false consciousness of believing the current world order to be a beneficial one, and they will will instead gain class consciousness which will inspire them to begin the worker's revolution.  


The early roots of Marx's socialist philosophies came from the French Revolution of 1789 which sparked a proto-socialist state, as well as sowed the first left wing sentiment within Meriditia which spread to the other nations soon after. The German philosopher Hegel also was a strong influence on Marx as he was the originator of the idea of the historic dialectical process by which new ideas challenging conservative ones resulted in clashes that refined society ever finer until they would approach an "end of history" where the world would become a perfect utopia.   Communism proper only began once Marx created the theory and published the Communist Manifesto. Marx believed the revolution would begin in the most industrialized nations and spread from there. Marx's ideas have established deep roots within the intelligentsia and labor movements within most European countries. Its message of equality and abolishment of the ruling class has resonated with many of the downtrodden and oppressed people of the Japanese Empire's colonial territories, though its demands of leaving conservative and religious ideas has caused far more to reject it, as the cultural and religious roots of East Asia are largely deep and unchanging, making it a comparatively hostile environment compared to the liberal and ever changing European societies. There is still no shortage of people whose hatred of the empire and desire for a better life is stronger than their attachment to their past culture, and within Japanese cities, where culture is more modernistic, there is a greater acceptance of new political ideas.   The only successful communist revolution thus far was the 1917 Russian Revolution where the Tsarist regime was overthrown and replaced with a provisional government, but this still unstable government was again overthrown by communist rebels who seized upon the chaos to establish a communist state. The threat of Soviet communism and its influence is one of the greatest fears of the Japanese government. Due to the fractured situation in China with warlords and bandits running the show, a communist movement has been gaining momentum there as well  


The People's Liberation Front of Korea is a subsection of the "Comintern", a loose association of all communists across the globe fighting for world communism. The PLFK only operates within those areas of Asia controlled by the Japanese Empire, and not territories controlled by European empires. This means the PLFK is effectively and near exclusively anti-Japanese Empire group.   The PLFK is primarily composed of imperial subjects in nations conquered by the empire, especially Korea. The group also has a fair amount of native Japanese communists as well. This means that the PLFK is composed of a wide variety of ethnic groups, cultures, and languages, though the mandated teaching of Japanese as a language, and the common cause of fighting the empire binds these very different groups under a common banner. However despite this common cause, the cells of the PLFK typically operate within the confines of the cultural borders of each region, only cooperating when it is mutually beneficial to do so.   The leader of the PLFK as a whole is unknown beyond his title/code name of "Baku", and the exact responsibilities, power, and influence of leaders of various levels within this organization are uncertain.  


The PLFK is forced to operate underground due to its illegal status. Many people who find the Shakai Taishuto - Labor to be too weak in its efforts to reform the nation, and believe only a revolution can free the people, will join the PLFK, and meet in secret societies, or in Korea will retreat into outlands and mountains where their locations are near impossible to pinpoint by Japanese military. Especially in mainland Asia it is common for PLFK guerilla forces to perform raids and terrorist attacks on Japanese political and military figures and establishments. The PLFK represents the largest threat to Japan's hold over Korea, and is therefore a critical priority for the military to suppress ruthlessly.  


A 5 person PLFK spy ring has infiltrated the Japanese government and military. They are known only by their codenames:
  • Nekotmata
  • Itachi
  • Inugami
  • Yurei
  • Baku

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