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United States of America



The United States is a Federal Republic with an elected President. The government has a strong emphasis on diffusion and decentralization of power through 3 branches of the federal government and regional governments with more power than the federal government. The country also has a constitution that guarantees a robust series of rights for its citizens.  


It was founded after a revolution to break away from the British Empire, of which it was a colony. The nation expanded its territory and endured internal unrest as it grew in power and size. It has since grown to be an industrial powerhouse nation with a large population and massive economy.  

Foreign Policy

The United States is an isolationist nation that prefers to keep to itself and not get involved in conflicts that don't directly involve them. They will at most send financial and military aide if their allies are engaged in war. America is more than happy to trade with other nations though.  

Incontiguous Territories & Colonies


A northern territory connected to Meribria that was purchased from the Russian Tsardom in 1867 by the US. It is largely a frozen and undeveloped wasteland  


A tropical volcanic island chain in the Pacific Ocean. It was ruled by an independent kingdom, but was subverted by Libertorian business influence and annexed by the US in the 1890s. It is now the home of the American Navy's Pacific Fleet. It produces a lot of coffee and tropical fruits, and hosts a number of scenic locales and beaches.  

Phillipine Islands

An archipelago in south east asia that was colonized by Spain until they were ousted by the US in the SSpanish-American War in 1898. Libertoria then fought the Phillipines when they attempted to form their own independent government in 1901. America still holds the Phillipine Islands as their territories to this day, and hold a significant military presence on them.  

Misc. Pacific Islands

America holds several atolls and island chains in the Pacific Ocean including the Solomon islands, Guam, Palmyra Atoll, Samoa, and more  


The United States has the largest economy in the world, boasting massive industrial might as well as a wealth of natural resources and food production. The nation is however still reeling from several years of economic depression that its been stuck in. Much of its potential still lies dormant, and were it ever to bring its full weight to bear, it would become an unstoppable force.  


While it was founded from British colonialists initially, America boasts an extremely diverse population sourced from immigrants from all over the world, but especially from Europe. This means foods and other cultural influences have converged to add to the tapestry of the nation.

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