
Nestled within the rugged terrain of the Stenn Desert, Admag is both a sanctuary and a training ground for the Shek, who have lived and fought here for generations. The city is built not for comfort, but for defense and endurance, reflecting the Shek’s harsh way of life.

Points of interest

The Warrior’s Hall: A central gathering place in Admag, the Warrior’s Hall is where Shek warriors come together to plan raids, discuss tactics, and recount the glories of past battles. The hall is adorned with the banners of fallen warriors and the weapons of defeated enemies, serving as both a meeting place and a shrine to Shek martial prowess.
The Bloodforge: The Bloodforge is Admag’s primary smithy, where the city’s weapons and armor are crafted. Run by master blacksmiths who are often retired warriors themselves, the forge is a place of intense heat and relentless labor. The weapons produced here are known throughout the Shek Kingdom for their quality and durability.
The Shrine of Kral: This sacred site is dedicated to Kral, the legendary Shek warrior-king who led the Shek to their current lands. The shrine is a place of reverence, where warriors come to seek guidance before battle and where the names of fallen heroes are inscribed on the walls.
Large town
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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