Stenn Desert

The Stenn Desert is characterized by its stark, rocky terrain, dominated by jagged cliffs, deep ravines, and shifting sands. Its cracked, sun-scorched earth is devoid of life for much of the year, save for a few hardy shrubs and cacti that cling to existence in the shadow of towering stone formations. The winds howl across the desert, carrying with them dust and sand that scours the skin and blinds those foolish enough to wander unprepared. The desert's arid climate offers little in the way of relief, with scorching days followed by freezing nights, making it a land of extremes.


A vast, desolate expanse that houses the remaining Shek Kingdom, a barren and unforgiving land that mirrors the harsh resilience of the Shek people themselves. Surrounded by the tangled swamps of Vain to the west, north, and northeast, and bordered by the treacherous Spider Plains to the south, the Stenn Desert has become a fortress in its own right, a place where only the strong survive and the weak are cast aside. The desert's rugged topography provides natural choke points and defensible positions, making it difficult for invading forces to penetrate the Shek strongholds hidden within the cliffs and plateaus.

Fauna & Flora


Ironbark Trees: Scattered in the rare oases and along deep crevices, these ancient, twisted trees are few but hardy. Their bark is incredibly tough, resembling iron, and their roots dig deep into the earth in search of underground water. The Shek harvest the bark and branches for tools and weapon handles due to their durability.
Stone Cactus: The most common plant in the Stenn Desert, these cacti are squat and covered in thick, needle-like spines that deter most creatures from approaching. Their flesh holds valuable water reserves, making them a lifeline for desert wanderers. However, the cactus juice is bitter and often toxic in large quantities, requiring careful preparation.


Desert Raptors: Smaller and more agile than their canyon-dwelling cousins, Desert Raptors are scavengers that feed on the remains of larger creatures. They travel in flocks, picking clean the bones of anything that dies in the desert. While not directly dangerous to a healthy traveler, they are known to circle above the weak or wounded, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Rock Skimmers: Large, predatory insects, Rock Skimmers are the apex predators of the desert. These creatures burrow into the sand during the day to escape the heat, emerging at dusk to hunt. They are fast and aggressive, using their sharp mandibles to slice through armor and flesh alike. Shek warriors view defeating a Rock Skimmer as a rite of passage, though many are injured or killed attempting to take one down.
Dust Hounds: Lean, wild dogs that roam the desert in small packs, these creatures are relentless hunters, feeding on smaller desert animals and scavenging the remains of any fallen warriors. Their keen sense of smell allows them to track prey over great distances, and their ability to go for days without water makes them formidable desert predators. They are particularly feared by lone travelers, as they will stalk their prey for miles, waiting for any sign of weakness.
Garru: Though they are more commonly associated with grasslands, small herds of Garru have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Stenn Desert. These large, slow-moving beasts graze on the sparse vegetation, traveling from one oasis to the next.
Owning Organization


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