
"Ah who's a good boy?"

Bonedogs are canine-like creatures which roam the wastes in large packs. They are fairly territorial and can become hostile when threatened or cornered. These creatures, however wild by nature, have been commonly domesticated by people as trusty companions and loyal guardians.

Wild Bonedogs

Bonedogs are drawn to the scent of dead bodies and will devour any they find. If a severed limb is found Bonedogs will often forget their obedience to play. Some find this comical while the Shek see them as wild creatures that can't be trusted. Many GreenLanders however find true friendship in this canine.
The "Bone" dog gets its name from the bones that permiate its hide, providing a formidable natural defense. Their skulls are made of many layers of articulating bone plates, often used as a way to daze their opponents or deflect blows. Over the years of domestication many bonedogs have reduced in size with much more subtle plating.
The fur of Bonedogs is typically short, coarse, and patchy, with some individuals even appearing partially bald. Their fur colors range from dark grays and browns to black, blending well with the rugged and barren environments they often roam. Their teeth are sharp and designed for cracking bones and tearing flesh. These dogs are relentless attackers, capable of clamping down with incredible force, dragging down prey much larger than themselves.


Bonedogs raised in the wild are often referred to as Bonewolves. They grow to sizes larger than that of a human and have a wide variety of plating and fur. Bonewolves are very rarely good boys.
Bonewolves are primarily solitary hunters, unlike Bonedogs, which tend to hunt in packs. They are highly territorial and often control large swathes of wasteland or desert. Bonewolves are one of the most feared predators in the wastelands of Kenshi due to their aggression, strength, and territorial nature. They are relentless hunters and will pursue their prey over long distances if provoked.

Domestic Life

Most commonly seen on farms protecting livestock, these canines can be fiercly territorial. However many have been bred into a docile state and live within cities all across Kenshi.


Bonedogs are carnivorous and require large amounts of fresh meat. While attacks are rare they are known to begin consuming their owner or pack members only moments after death.


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