Southern Shek

"Horned Devils"

The Southern Shek make up what remains of the Shek Kingdom. Ruled by Queen Esata the "Stone Golem" from her throne in the city of Admag. They follow the teachings and lifestyle of Kral, a legendary Shek warrior who consolidated the Shek tribes into a centralized nation hundreds of years ago. Shek society is divided into two castes, warriors and servants, the latter of whom are often defeated or cowardly warriors who perform skilled or menial work.

Physical Description
Standing 6 to 7 feet tall with broad shoulders, Southern Shek are hard to miss amongst a crowd. They naturally have long horns protruding from their skull and arms, however these horns are removed after a defeat in battle or act of cowardice. Their skin is often warmer tones of red or tan with blue or green eyes.
Many Southern Shek have a hard upbringing where strength and mental grit are valued above all else. In adulthood, they either rise as great warriors gaining fame and wealth or are shamed into menial work. Southern Shek don't often concern themselves with the opinions of others, aside from praise, and hold strictly to their own interpretation of honor.
"A story of bravery and grit. The ruins are mere war scars. With the Stone Golem as our leader, the Shek Kingdom will rise as the most powerful nation once again and we'll retake our fallen cities. The fat Empire gluttons, the Okranite dogs, we'll crush them all and take the lands, mark my words... ”
— Shek Barman, Admag
Nearly all Southern Shek live within the Shek Kingdom and as such nearly all of the follow the Code of Kral. A religion based on honor, sacrifice and proving oneself on the battlefield.

Southern Shek hold a natural disdain for anything they see as weak, meaning a natural disdain for all other races aside from Skeletons. Still, warriors from all corners of the moon can and have earned the respect of the Shek through acts of strength or honor. While they dislike those weaker than them they rarely act on that disdain beyond verbal harassment.
Sometimes called "horned devils" by outsiders or followers of Okran.
Southern Shek often have very simple names. Things like Puck, Ahto or Kisha are common with titles being reserved for only the most famous or powerful.
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