Northern Shek

The Northern Shek consist of a handful of loosely affiliated tribes with no true leader. During the height of the Shek Kingdom warriors who were defeated in battle had their horns removed and were cast out. These outcasts later formed what are now known as the Northern Shek. In the 200 years since the fall of the Shek Kingdom the Northern Shek's horns and stature have diminished. Although their nomad lifestyle has led to an affinity with animals and survival.

Physical Description
Northern Shek are much more human-like than their southern kin. They bare bone plating on their whole body and have cooler tinted skins, often blue or purple. Shek have no hair and average 150-200 pound with a medium to large stature.
One of the friendliest people of Kenshi, Northern Shek often work in bars and brothels or other entertainment trades. The Shek competitive nature still remains, they are known for great hunts and extravagant feasts. However they are not quick to rise to the defense of others or put themselves into harms way causing many to fall to slavery. Northern Shek should not be underestimated and can display inhuman levels of strength when cornered or pushed to violence.
Ideology procurism
Their nomadic heritage and generous nature has made Northern Shek accepted almost everywhere. Shek are not solitary people and spend most of their lives travelling or as part of a large group.
Shek names are often simple and only one word like Gruk, Haru or Yuko. The Northern Shek however are known to add extravagent titles to their names.
Gruk the Magnificent,
Haru Smasher of Spiders,
some reaching absurd lengths.


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