Code of Kral

Honor bring me Strength

"The lifespan of this ancient world is so vast that our small lives are similar to a drop in an ocean. Shortening a life so small is nothing to be feared... death is nothing, but glory is everlasting."
— The Book of Kral


For as long as anyone can remember, the Shek were simple tribes living in the wilderness, divided and warring regularly. At one point, a great Shek warrior named Kral unified the tribes into a powerful kingdom, taught his followers a code of honor and strength, and led them into a march of conquest. Eventually, however, he was slain in battle against an enemy force that legends say outnumbered him a hundredfold. After his death, he attained near godlike levels of worship from his followers, who want nothing more than to die in a great battle like him. As such, they have continued their raiding and warlike ways with their neighbours ever since.

Demography and Population

While relatively young, the Code of Kral is the third largest religion of Kenshi well rooted in the Shek Kingdom, its branches stretch across Kenshi even containing a notably large Skeleton following. The book, Kral's Last Stand is common place in the Shek Kingdom and can even be found elsewhere across Kenshi inspiring the strong to stand and fight.

Foreign Relations

The Code of Kral is outlawed within the Holy Nation and anyone caught with symbols of this faith are sent to Rebirth. The same is true within the United Cities however those caught are sentenced to "death by 100 cuts" as a sort of mockery of Kral himself.
Followers of Kral hold no inherent ill will toward other religions but do see other faiths as dishonorable and weak.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations


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