Raptor Island

A remote, rugged island located off the Western coast of Kenshi's mainland, known for its untamed wilderness and dangerous wildlife. The island is named after the various species of Raptors that roam its landscape and surrounding sea. Despite its isolation and dangers, Raptor Island draws the attention of adventurers, scavengers, and survivalists, who are either brave or desperate enough to seek its resources.


Raptor Island’s terrain is wild and untamed, with a mix of rocky cliffs, dense forests, and open grasslands. Steep, jagged cliffs ring much of its coastline making access by boat outside of the harbour of Raptor Village very difficult. The interior of the island is more varied, with patches of thick vegetation and dense undergrowth interspersed with open clearings and rolling hills.


Raptor Island experiences a humid and temperate climate, with frequent rainfall and misty conditions. The island’s location near the coast makes it prone to sudden shifts in weather, and fog often rolls in from the sea, blanketing the island in a thick mist that reduces visibility. Rain is nearly constant on the island, turning much of the forest floor into muddy terrain and making travel slower and more dangerous. The rainfall also fuels the island’s rich vegetation, keeping the forests thick and full of life.

Fauna & Flora


The vegetation on Raptor Island is dense and hardy, with tall trees and thick underbrush that thrive in the island’s humid climate. Ferns, mosses, and large, twisted vines cover much of the ground, while the trees themselves are often covered in a network of vines and moss. In the more open clearings, tall grasses and shrubs grow in abundance, providing food for the herbivores of the island.
Twisting Vines: These barbed vines hang from the canopy of much of Raptor Island. They are a carnivorous plant that feeds on the blood of smaller creatures or unsuspecting prey, at times keeping them suspended and alive for days.
Owning Organization


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