Dead Cats

The Dead Cats, a group of hardy survivors residing along the coast of Dreg and Raptor Island. They came into being near the fall of the Second Empire when Cat-Lon left them for dead against the Cannibal Cabal due to their isolation after the rebellion of the Holy Nation.


The Dead Cat faction is characterized by their resilient, survivalist culture. They have adapted to the harsh realities of the world of Kenshi, living off the land and making the most of their limited resources. Much of their livelihood revolves around fishing and hunting. They are adept at utilizing the bounties of the sea and the wild, often setting up camps near bodies of water. Their community is tightly knit, with a strong sense of cooperation and mutual support, sharing resources and working together to protect their settlements from threats.


The Dead Cats originate from the Second Empire and named themselves the "Dead Cats" as both a reference to Cat-Lon leaving them for dead as well as their ability to dodge death itself. Over the years, they have faced numerous challenges, including attacks from cannibals, hostile wildlife, and the harsh environment.


Given their vulnerable position, defense is a significant aspect of their society. They are always prepared to repel attacks from both human and non-human threats. While having no standing military, every member of their society contributes to the defense of their settlements in one way or another. Their constant struggle against the Cannibal Cabal has led them to be some of the most brutal and merciless fighters of Kenshi.
"The Dead Cats? By Okran's light, heed my warning! Never corner a Deadcat warrior... I've seen their kind battered and broken, rise with a fury that defies the will of Okran himself. They fight like demons, driven by a will to survive that knows no fear."
— Holy Nation Paladin

Technological Level

The Dead Cat's technology level is relatively primitive compared to more advanced factions like the Tech Hunters or the Second Empire. They rely heavily on hand-crafted tools and weapons made from scavenged materials. Their arsenal primarily consists of basic melee weapons such as spears, clubs, and simple swords. Ranged weapons, if any, are typically rudimentary, such as crossbows or slings. Their settlements are built from whatever materials are available, often resembling ramshackle camps with makeshift huts and basic defenses. They utilize simple fishing gear and hunting traps to sustain their food supply. While they lack the means to produce advanced technology, the Dead Cats are skilled at repurposing old, discarded tech and use salvaged parts to repair or enhance their equipment, though these modifications are often rudimentary.
Controlled Territories


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