
The Skimsands is a harsh and enigmatic region, distinguished by its unique landscape and treacherous conditions. Located in a remote part of the desert, it presents a striking contrast to the more temperate or densely populated areas of the world.


The Skimsands is characterized by its vast, desolate expanses of shifting sand dunes and scattered rocky outcrops. The terrain is marked by irregular patterns of sand and stone, creating a labyrinthine environment that is both mesmerizing and perilous. The sand here has an unusual quality, often giving the appearance of shimmering or mirages on the horizon, which adds to the region’s mystique and danger.

Notable Features

Sand Dunes: The rolling sand dunes of the Skimsands are perpetually shifting due to the strong desert winds. These dunes create an ever-changing landscape that can disorient travelers and conceal hidden dangers.
Rock Formations: Interspersed among the dunes are jagged rock formations and mesas that break up the monotonous desert scenery. These rocky outcrops provide some shelter from the elements and are often used as landmarks or hiding places.
Salt Flats: Scattered throughout the region are vast salt flats, where the remnants of evaporated lakes have left behind crusty, white deposits. These areas are nearly devoid of life and can be treacherous for travelers, with the salt potentially causing harm to both equipment and living creatures.

Fauna & Flora


Desert Flora: Vegetation in the Skimsands is extremely sparse but includes hardy, drought-resistant plants such as saltbushes and resilient desert grasses. These plants have adapted to the harsh conditions with deep root systems and salt-tolerant traits.


Sand Skimmers: These elusive and dangerous creatures are adept at navigating the shifting sands. They are known for their speed and agility, often preying on smaller animals or unsuspecting travelers.
Dust Crawlers: Small, insect-like creatures that burrow into the sand, Dust Crawlers are a common sight in the Skimsands. They are scavengers, feeding on whatever organic material they can find.
Giant Sand Lizards: These formidable reptiles are well-adapted to the harsh desert environment. Their large size and tough hide make them both a dangerous predator and a resilient survivor in the Skimsands.


The Skimsands is not heavily populated due to its harsh environment, but it does host a few scattered outposts and nomadic tribes that have adapted to life in the desert. The people of this region are typically hardy and self-reliant, relying on their knowledge of the land and its resources to survive.
Owning Organization


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