United Cities

Peace Through Prosperity

The United Cities, known as The Empire internally, is a feudalistic slaver society that controls large portions of land across the continent. Most notably within The Great Desert and its surrounding regions as well as having a southern enclave encompassing the southwestern coastline. Ruled by Emperor Tengu, they are a highly corrupt empire and monetary worth is the prime measure of a person in their culture.


Though the United Cities are quite diverse, there is also a great deal of racial stratification. The nobility is mostly comprised of Scorchlander and Shek, while Hivers are disproportionately more likely to be peasants or slaves. Non-humans in general are derided in UC newspapers, and are at risk from being attacked by roaming vigilante mobs known as City Heroes. However racism always comes second to the coin in your pocket in the UC and wealth has a direct correlation to power and respect. So much so, that being poor and hungry can get you arrested.

Technological Level

While the United Cities aren't exactly advanced they do have a bustling scrap trade. Skeletons are allowed within UC territory however they aren't exactly welcomed and many fall into scrapping schemes by the Tinkers Guild. The Second Empire remains in a state of War with the United Cities for this reason and hold a 10k gold bounty for the leader of the Tinkers. Emperor Tengu and other nobility demand the best in entertainment tech and many of their cities are covered in neon lights, bars and brothels.


Three Pillars make up the governing council of The United Cities.
The first, the Slavers Guild, makes up the backbone of the Empires economy. From mining to farming or fishing, all manual labor is done by slaves within the Empire. Anti-slavery ideologies are considered extremist perspectives and treated as a form of terrorism.
The second pillar is the Traders Guild, responsible for maintaining the vast road network of the Empire. The guild brings vast wealth to the Empire and works closely with the Slavers Guild to aquire and distribute "product".
The third pillar is the noble cirlce comprised of the Governors of every UC city, a cabal of extremely narcissistic, cruel, and entitled lords and ladies, led by Emperor Tengu himself, aloof and often found drunk. Many believe he was placed in power as a sort of puppet. Whatever the case, his authority is absolute and it is a crime punishable by death to look him in the eye. The nobles are known for hunting peasants for sport, making outlandish requests to their guards (such as ordering them to train a pet Leviathan), and generally lacking concern for the lives of anyone beneath them.
      The drug Hashish is illegal, and the samurai guards are obsessed with purging it from their streets.
Predecessor Organization


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