Western Hiver

Originating from the Western Hive, all Western Hivers are born to the same Queen. Hivers enter the world with a yearning to please their Queen, It's unclear whether this is a magical or natural hold. Extended periods away from the Queen can cause this yearning to fade and eventually break. These are known as "no hives" and are no longer welcome within the Western Hive.


The Hive drone makes up the majority of the Hiver race. At a very young age they begin their work for the good of the hive seemingly instinctually.
Physical Description
Drones are smaller in stature than their other hiver counterparts and rely on numbers for accomplishing large tasks. They have a tan or blue hued skin and range from 4 to 5.5 ft tall with very slim frames, weighing only 50-100 pounds. Drone facial structure can vary greatly and the level of intricacy can be a sign of intelligence or magical aptitude.
While one might assume hivers to be mindless followers, that is not the case. All Hivers possess free will and Drones in particular love to have a good time. They are light hearted and know how to make the best of the worst situations.


The Hive soldier is the backbone of the Western Hive army. Relatively numerous, they are born ready to die for their Queen.  
Physical Description
Soldiers are much larger than the average Hiver and have unmatched natural strength. They have tan or blue hued skin and range from 5.5 to 7 feet tall with a muscular upper torso, often weighing over 200 pounds. If not for their towering physique, Soldiers are recognizable by their wide hardened skull. Soldiers are very durable and often use their head, to varying success, as a last defense against enemy blades.
The most obedient of the hive subraces, it is very rare for soldiers to leave the hive permanently. Soldiers are not very expressive and tend to put the Queen's will above all else. They do have a noticable interest in the arts with many showing true joy at a finely crafted blade or perfectly prepared fish dish. Most no-hive soldiers find themselves this way while performing distant tasks for the Queen, this leads them to feel abandoned and betrayed.


The Hive Prince are the least common of the hive subraces making up only 1 in 100 hivers. They have a high level of free will, forming the generals and intellectuals of the Western Hive.   Physical Description
Prince hivers have a medium sized frame, closely resembling that of a human and are capable of accomplishing a wide range of tasks, generally excelling in intellect and magical prowess. They have a tan or blue hued skin and range from 5 to 7 feet tall with a medium build, often weighing 100-200 pounds.
Within the Western Hive almost all Princes are obsessed with proving themselves and gaining the respect of the Queen. This obsession doesn't seem to be rooted in the same mental affect that holds the rest of the hive and more of a cultural one. Many will plot against other princes to gain standing or an audience before the Queen. Outside of the hive, prince hivers can be found in all sorts of professions and social classes however many still seek fame.
Hivers within the Western Hive don't understand the concept of names. The only hivers with names had them given by the Queen herself and is the highest honor a Hiver can receive. When a Hiver first becomes a "no-hive" they often name themselves the first thing they see. Names like Lamp or Bonedog aren't unheard of.
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