Western Hive

The Western Hive is the friendliest of the Hive factions pursuing peace and trade over war in almost all interactions. Their territory includes the Hut Islands and the swamps of Vain. They are ruled by The Queen from her throne on Hut Hill although visitors are not permitted and she is never seen.


The Western Hive is an economic powerhouse, trading all along the Western coast and as far inland as Black Desert City, they are an extremely generous and well traveled people. The majority of their people work as farmers or traders with everyone receiving combat training to be conscripted into military service when Princes deem necessary. Western Hive society falls into a Hierarchy type caste system with the Queen and her Praetorian Guards at the top. While not in the Queen's presence, Princes speak with the same level of authority and lead all military and diplomatic ventures outside of Hut Hill.


Being fairly new to the moon of Kenshi, only coming into existence roughly 100 years ago. The Western Hive, at first, lived as isolationists on the safety of the Hut Islands but in recent years they have expanded substantially, pacifying the swamps of Vain and establishing several villages there.
Mysterious Appearances


With arguably the largest military on all of Kenshi few wish to stand against them in open conflict. While they do not keep the largest standing army, every hiver is trained in swordsmanship and can be called upon for service at any moment. This is likely born from their reluctance to build walls and close proximity to the Fog Islands. The entire military is led by Warmaster Pae, a proven commander and within the hive is said to be the greatest swordsman to ever live.

Queen's Cutters:
The primary role of the Queen’s Cutters is to protect the Queen and her interests. They are stationed at key locations throughout the Western Hive's territory providing security and authority. In times of war or conflict, the Queen’s Cutters are the spearhead of the Western Hive’s military efforts. They lead the charge in battle, often acting as shock troops that break enemy lines with their ferocity and skill.

Technological Level

Many Western Hivers have a fascination with body modification even going so far as having a limb intentionally removed and replaced with a higher tech Skeleton limb. While fairly crude, the Western hive has become experienced at Skeleton tech and repairs, even producing their own modifications. Most villages are at least partially powered through wind generators with Hut Hill being entirely powered on old world tidal generators.
Geopolitical, Queendom
Government System
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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