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Amhearst Gearing

Born in 176 to humble beginnings, Amhearst made a name for himself during several minor skirmishes with Orcs and Ogres near Rossman's Landing between 197 and 204.  

A veteran cavalryman, he was eventually promoted to command The Linebreakers in 209, and remained in that capacity until 214, when Emperor Blaine Gifford declared him the title of 'Militant Marshal', giving him supreme command of all Infantry and Cavalry forces of the Baron's Own Militia, and charging him with vastly expanding their modernization and training regimens.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Amhearst has been a cavalryman for the majority of his (extensive) career.  After promotion to Militant Marshal, he felt that it was only fitting that a man of his station be seated above the rest, both figuratively and literally; Amhearst spent a considerable amount of coin (estimates of more than 10,000 gold Kronars) to have a gryphon bred and specially trained for his use in battle!

It's name is Edna, and, apparently, it has a fond taste for Elf ears served with caviar.

Mental characteristics


Humble beginnings wouldn't stop Amhearst, who plied every trade from con-artist to day laborer in order to scrape enough money to attend the Gorran Institute, where he graduated as a Bluntmaster in 196.  During this time period, he continued to educate himself by attending as many classes as he could afford (or sneak into) at the nearby Highland Academy, earning top marks in several subjects.  Amhearst was noted by many of his instructors as being incredibly astute, and far more cunning than his charming smile would indicate.

Morality & Philosophy

Amhearst was noted as fiercely racist towards Elves and those of their descent (half Elves, Drow, etc) from an early age; where this stems from is anyone's guess, however, it's ferocity has only grown with time.  As the Militant Marshal, even prior to the decrees of the The Elven Exclusion Act and some of it's preceding documents, Amhearst had taken every measure possible to remove any and all Elves from positions of power and authority within the Baron's Own Militia; a step so drastic he once famously removed a Colonel from duty and forced him to spit-shine his boots!
Current Status
Forcible relocation of Elves from the Empire
Current Location
Year of Birth
176 AV 46 Years old
Black, military length
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven.


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