Ashlynn Finch Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Ashlynn Finch

Born in a small village alongside a pond at the edge of the Land of Giants, Ashlynn knew hardship and cruelty for her younger years.  Her slightly savage upbringing instilled in her a love of hunting and a thrill of the chase, and, upon meeting members of the Monstrosity's Menagerie during one of their expeditions, decided to leave her clan-like upbringing in favor of greener pastures.

She travelled much of Therengia in search of prey and game, eventually making quite the name for herself both as a game hunter and as a monster hunter.

Her fame as a monster hunter eventually led to her hiring by the Imperial Science Corps as a guide, tracker, and hunter for their expeditions, both to bring down animals for study as well as to protect the expedition from harm.
Current Location
Year of Birth
192 AV 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
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