Monstrosity's Menagerie Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Monstrosity's Menagerie


Overseen by the Huntmaster (Or Mistress, as it were), the Menagerie is divided into four classes, each run by a subordinate.

The builders, who are responsible for the maintenance and construction of guild buildings, outposts, and stockyards.

The craftsmen, who utilize the meat, bones, furs, hides, or any other portion of the animal or monster to craft armors, potions, poultices, and anything else.

The workers, who operate and maintain the inns and facilities for the hunters and other classes.

And of course, the hunters, who are themselves broken into multitudes of ranks based on skill and accomplishments.  Hunters accept contracts to hunt dangerous, mundane, or exotic animals and beasts for trophies, ingredients, or to rid them as a nuisance to a city or community.


While the majority of the Menagerie members are devoted solely to the coin in their pockets, some members are more concerned with ridding the world of dangerous beasts or harvesting necessary medical ingredients to save lives.  The majority are far more self-serving, and believe solely in their own wealth.


The Menagerie's guildhall and charter are located within the city of Riverhaven .  However, they maintain a chapter house in Therenborough , River Crossing , Shard , Stoneclan , and on the Isle of Ratha

For the thrill of the hunt!

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Hunter's Guild
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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