Carmine McMillan Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Carmine McMillan

An historian and researcher, in another life, another time, Carmine McMillan would have been an excellent choice to be Loremaster of the Royal Order of the Light.  His talent has never been with a sword or crossbow, with the pen, and the mighty tome; he serves as the lead researcher for the Imperial Science Corps, and with an eidetic memory, his knowledge of history is unparalleled.  Much to his chagrin, it has made him an invaluable member of several adventuring and exploring teams, and he has involuntarily visited a number of far-off places in Kermoria, used as a translator and, when necessary, guide.

Carmine speaks a half-dozen languages fluently, and can translate several more with reasonable accuracy; he is likely one of the most well-read and literate men in the world, a fact that he reminds nearly everyone of on a regular basis.
Current Location
Year of Birth
157 AV 65 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Necril, Celestial.


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